Daniela Celis and Thiago Medina celebrated 4 months of their twins: the tender photos that moved their followers

Daniela Celis and Thiago Medina celebrated 4 months of their twins: the tender photos that moved their followers
Daniela Celis and Thiago Medina celebrated 4 months of their twins: the tender photos that moved their followers

The photos of Daniela Celis and Thiago Medina for the celebration of Aimé and Laia’s four months

Although they had some back and forth, over time they were able to strengthen their relationship and today they are a family. Daniela Celis and Thiago Medina they met in Big Brotherthey became engaged and after overcoming the turbulence, they consolidated the bond that was definitively strengthened four months ago, when they became parents of the twins. Laia and Aime.

On the occasion of a new anniversary, the influencers They organized a more than special celebration for them. And through the Instagram account that they opened for the little girls, they published the photos of the birthday, a custom that they adopted to accompany this new stage in their life.

The photos of Daniela Celis and Thiago Medina for the celebration of Aimé and Laia’s four months

For this celebration they decided to organize a theme party. They dressed the identical twins in a dress yellow color and white embroidered flowers, which matched the pacifier and stockings. The fun celebration was inspired by bees and their universe of honey and honeycombs. This is how the little ones and the balloons, the party favors and the cake are dressed They revolved around these insects that are so popular among children.

The cake was naturally yellow, it had three floors and it had daisies, bees and a panel on its top. The publication in question garnered more than one hundred thousand likes and thousands of comments from their fans, family and friends who gave them praise for all tastes. Among them Julia Poggio who is the godmother of one of the babies. “I love you princesses,” commented the actress that she became good friends with Blink within reality.

For her part, Daniela dedicated a few words to her daughters to the babies to celebrate their new month of life. “I love them and I love every second, minute, hour, day, week and month that they are with me.”, he expressed. It should be noted that the couple organizes different celebrations each month, where they take a similar photo and celebrate with a cake and different settings. In the first month it was red rose petals, the second in violet tones, and the third with butterflies. Now the bees join in, completing an album of pure tenderness.

Laia and Aimé in their celebration of one month, two and three months

They met at the house and returned there. In March of this year, a beautiful television moment was experienced when Dani, Thiago and the girls returned to the reality show in which their love was born. His entry occurred within Frozen, the program’s game in which family, friends or celebrities of various kinds enter and the participants have to remain like statues without being able to move.

On this occasion, the former contestants arrived accompanied by their babies and their appearance softened even the hardest heart. “Hello, welcome. Here we met mom and dad. We have many memories”, he began by recounting Blink, dressed in a shiny look while carrying the strollers and telling her daughters how their parents’ romance had been born. “The house has changed a little, with new participants,” she commented, as she entered the living room and some tears were shed among the contestants.

Moving moment Daniela Celis and Thiago Medina at GH with their entrance to the house with the twins

A few minutes later, the driver Santiago del Moro He entered through the home television and shared his happiness at what he saw. “If someone changed your life Big Brother“It’s up to you, Thiago,” he commented. “We thought he was a piquito and ended up with Aimé and Laia,” she said, while he agreed with her. “It changed our lives”

The young woman reflected on this moment that is hers and, before melting into a kiss to repeat the first of all that occurred in the reality show, she expressed all her emotion. “I came for a dream and others ended up coming true,” she said, assuring that motherhood is the best thing that could have happened to her.

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