Incredible! ChatGPT chose the five most romantic songs in history

Artificial Intelligence faced the challenge of putting together a list of the most romantic topics. Below is his response.

Throughout the history of music, many artists have used love as a vehicle to write songs. It is from this that hymns were born, both ancient and contemporary, that connect with everyday situations in our reality.

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And although it may seem surprising, Even Artificial Intelligence has its romantic side. In this case, it was challenged ChatGPTthe OpenAI chatbot, to put together a list of the five most romantic songs in history.

Before presenting the list, the AI ​​warned that determining this “can be subjective, as it depends on personal tastes and experiences. However, there are some songs that are widely recognized for their romanticism and that have left a mark on popular culture. “.

The five most romantic songs in history, according to ChatGPT

This is how the list put together by the GPT Chat looked like, with their respective definitions:

1. “Something” – The Beatles

Written by George Harrison, this song is one of the most beautiful and romantic in The Beatles’ catalog. It has been praised for its melody and lyrics, which express deep and sincere love.


2. “I Will Always Love You” – Whitney Houston

Originally written and performed by Dolly Parton, this song reached a new level of fame and emotion with Whitney Houston’s powerful performance. It is a ballad that speaks of eternal love, even in farewell.

whitney houston.jpg

3. “Unchained Melody” – The Righteous Brothers

This song is a timeless classic that has been covered by many artists, but The Righteous Brothers’ rendition is the best known. It is a deeply emotional melody that has endured through the decades.

The Righteous Brothers

4. “Endless Love” – ​​Diana Ross & Lionel Richie

This collaboration between two musical greats is an iconic ballad about eternal and unconditional love. It has been considered one of the best love songs of all time.

Diana Ross and Lionel Richie

5. “My Heart Will Go On” – Celine Dion

This song became famous for being the main theme of the movie “Titanic.” Performed by Celine Dion, it is a powerful declaration of love that transcends time and distance.

Celine Dion.webp

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