Learn this way to plant a ginger plant at home, now that it is so valuable in the winter

If you are feeling a little bad with respiratory issues, listless and even have a stomach problem, an effective natural solution could be an infusion of ginger, lemon and a little bit of honey. Of course this is a palliative remedy that helps but does not cure bacteria and viruses, in those cases it is better to visit the doctor.

He ginger It is a tuber widely used in culinary topics, especially in oriental food recipes. It is a little spicy and acidic, although used in small proportions it can be exquisite. In addition, it contains antioxidants and several other properties that make it highly chosen.

Always have ginger on hand.

Although a root of ginger It can last a long time depending on what you use it for, it is usually quite expensive at certain times of the year if you buy it in supermarkets, luckily there is an immediate way to have it at your fingertips at home and that is by planting it in a pot.

You can plant it at home.

To plant this you need to find a root that is good and has at least one sprout between its arms, it is easy to identify it because it will be that white part that protrudes from one of its ends. Once you have it, wash it well to remove impurities and then place it in clean water, preferably purified, and leave it there for at least three or four hours.

Then, you are going to place it on absorbent paper or a kitchen cloth, to eliminate excess water, leave it there for about 30 minutes. Later, transfer it to an airtight plastic bag or container, it has to stay there for at least a week, after that, you will see that its ends have new shoots.

So that you never lack.

That is precisely the time to move it to a pot or to the ground in the place you choose in your garden. It is recommended to have fertile soil and substrate, this way you will promote its growth. With watering every four days and enough sun, after about two or three months you will see plants growing that you can later use as plant roots. ginger.

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