the new challenge that she must face and that her sister Leonor has already overcome

the new challenge that she must face and that her sister Leonor has already overcome
the new challenge that she must face and that her sister Leonor has already overcome

There are many students who are now counting the days to finish classes and be able to enjoy their well-deserved and desired summer vacations. Of course, Princess Leonor (18 years old) and Infanta Sofía (16 years old) are also some of these young people who so want to be able to disconnect from their chores. The eldest daughter of King Felipe VI (56 years old) and Queen Letizia (51 years old) still has a few weeks of training left at the General Military Academy of Zaragoza, but His little sister has just 10 more days of school ahead of her, ones in which she will have to face a new challenge.

Infanta Sofía’s new challenge before summer

We all know that the youngest of the Spanish Royal Family is studying her first year of Baccalaureate at the UWS Atlantic College in Wales, a center where her sister also studied and where she has even carried out some quite striking rituals. Well, in order to return home to her family on June 14, Sofia is currently facing her new and interesting challenge, which is that You must complete an academic essay on the sociology of the world. The infanta is thoroughly preparing for this work, so much so that she and some of her colleagues have even visited some of the most renowned museums in Oxford to gather information for this important project. a project that his sister Leonor also carried out when she passed by the center, so Sofia has surely asked her sister for some advice in order to write this text, the princess’s experience being very useful.


But it is not a project that only the daughter of the monarchs should carry out, it is a final project that all students must do in order to finish their first year of Baccalaureate. Without a doubt, the experience in this center is being something that the infanta will take a while to forget, having been able to meet people from other countries and cultures and training not only in classes, but also in the different colloquiums that he has been able to listen to at school, where experts from different subjects have shared their knowledge with the students.

Sofia, two challenges ahead

In addition to writing this interesting final project, Infanta Sofía has had to test her physical skills to survive outdoors with another of the activities that the center prepares for them. Its about ‘Celtic’ camp, an activity that his sister also carried out when I was a student there and that now Sofia has had to do. According to the ‘Confidential Monarchy’ website, in this camp the young woman and her companions had to show their survival skills while connecting with nature. Sources close to the center assured the aforementioned media that these are “days to coexist among colleagues and get to know each other better, although they are not as harsh and strict as those that Leonor is currently subjected to”, in fact, these same sources assure that the infantas have very good relationship and that Sofia has surely consulted her sister before facing this challenge: “Leonor and Sofía are very close, he must have given her some survival advice”, they assure. The infanta reportedly stayed at “a rustic open country campsite in west Wales with direct access to the Pembrokeshire Coastal Path.”


She and her companions slept in tents and in that camp they were able to do different activities such as rock climbing, kayaking or even surfing classes. Although some of these tasks are hard, what young people will have the worst will probably be not being able to use their mobile phones, one of the rules of the camp, which leaves them incommunicado for 6 days. In fact, as if it were the famous Telecinco program, they must also learn to make a fire and live with the minimum, including food, since they must try to survive with resources from nature itself.

When do Leonor and Sofía meet?

On June 14, Sofía will finish her training, returning home to her parents, having to wait a few days for the four of them to be there again. She won’t be up on June 19 when Princess Leonor finished her training at the Military Academy, the day on which the young woman’s graduation will take place, in which we will surely be able to see her parents and her sister with her, being a very important event for all of them. After this event, the sisters will be able to enjoy time together, uniting again until the heir to the throne must leave them again to go to Marín, where she will continue with her military training.

As if these academic challenges were not enough, this year will be the first time that we can see the youngest of the family debut while presiding over her first official solo act. Sofia will be in charge of sponsor a photography contest that bears her name and that will take place in the capital, without a doubt a very special moment for her.

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