Blue Mary and Oriana Marzoli: What was not seen about the fight: Lima Limón

Blue Mary and Oriana Marzoli: What was not seen about the fight: Lima Limón
Blue Mary and Oriana Marzoli: What was not seen about the fight: Lima Limón

A few days ago a new women’s competition was held in Win or Serve?where Oriana Marzoli had the best performance among his team and earned the right to be Ladyso she chose to change roles with the radio host.

Good for competition, rotten as a person”he commented Blue Mary upon hearing the Spanish woman’s decision. “I am a coherent and linear person, and I tell her that whoever loses is left alone, without her friends, to the other side“, argument Oriana.

I don’t mind being on the other side. She has treated me as ordinary and flaite, and I tell her to her face that she seems to me to be a poisonous and toxic person who mocks and laughs at her friends. Whenever you want, you can tell me things to my face if you’re not afraid of me.”, answered the announcer.

That was what was seen on screen, but in the unedited broadcast of Win or Serve? The truth is that this exchange of words was much more grotesque, as made evident in a video by TikTok a netizen named “ale_ganaroservir”.

And he shared audiovisual material where the Spanish woman appears speaking with Fran Maira and Austin Palau in the piece Servantsto whom he gave in detail all the behind-the-scenes details of the fight he had with Blue Mary and that were not broadcast in the official chapter.

“It ends and I say: ‘I am not that, nor have I dedicated myself to that, nor am I going to dedicate myself to a person insulting me in that way. They are limits that are never exceeded, has gone from light to dark’“, you hear Oriana about the singer.

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To then specify, “And start screaming (Blue Mary) and says ‘it seems to me that you treat your friends badly, that no one can stand you, that You call me ordinary…’. But if you are ordinaryyou behave like one, but I didn’t answer anything,” Marzoli assured Fran and Austin.

Adding, “His attitude was not to talk, it was to shout: ‘You know what I mean? That you are a maraca (sic). She said it four or three times. Sergio tells him: ‘not that, moderate your language’“. It should be noted that in the episode the animator was seen telling the announcer, “Please rest on the concepts“.

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