Belén Hidalgo celebrates 13 years of relationship: “The basis for staying together is a lot of love and always trying to talk”

Belén Hidalgo celebrates 13 years of relationship: “The basis for staying together is a lot of love and always trying to talk”
Belén Hidalgo celebrates 13 years of relationship: “The basis for staying together is a lot of love and always trying to talk”

June 15 2024 – 12:16 hrs.

The remembered Argentine model, Belen Hidalgois currently celebrating his 13th anniversary with his partner, the businessman Pablo Ormeño.

They both knew each other before they began their love relationship, since he owned several nightclubs where the trans-Andean women paraded.

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The 13 years of Belén and Pablo

After separating from Miguel “Negro” Piñera, Belén began her relationship with Pablo, with whom she already has two children. “I still feel super in love, I have the same desire to continue for many more years, I can’t believe so much time has passed,” she admitted to Las Últimas Noticias (LUN).

Regarding how they have managed to overcome the decade together, the former model commented to the same medium that “the basis for maintaining the relationship is a lot of affection, love and always trying to talk, saying what you like and what you don’t and reaching an agreement. “I always think about his well-being and he also about mine.”

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A peculiarity of their relationship is that despite the time they have been together, They are not married yet. “We are happy like this and sometimes I don’t even remember. Many times they say to me ‘your husband?’ and I say ‘yes’. It’s not an issue,” she said.

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They celebrated this anniversary by having lunch at home alone, while their two children were at school. Then, when they arrived, they had dinner as a family and at night, they celebrated with some friends. “It was all day,” she said with a laugh.

At the end of the interview, Belén summarized their 13 years of relationship. “They have been a great joy, we have two beautiful children who also like sports and adventure tourism, they are very independent. It has been a beautiful process of growing together as a couple and as parents.. The experience of being with family, accompanied, has been nice,” he concluded.

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