Shirley Arica and “El Futuro” confirm their romance with fiery photography – Publimetro Chile

Shirley Arica and “El Futuro” confirm their romance with fiery photography – Publimetro Chile
Shirley Arica and “El Futuro” confirm their romance with fiery photography – Publimetro Chile

Shirley Arica and Uriel Romero, also known in the urban world as “El Futuro”, confirmed what many already suspected: they are in a loving relationship. Both were former participants in the popular reality show “Tierra Brava” on Channel 13, where apparently the spark arose between them.

Although both had romantic relationships with other people within the confinement, after leaving the reality show and not prospering in their previous romances, love would have arisen between the two.

This was confirmed by the Peruvian model herself, who He published a photograph on his social networks with “El Futuro”, making it clear that the rumors were true. In the image, she appears biting the singer’s lip.

In addition, the Future also shared a photograph that was later replicated by Shirley. In the image they appear closely embraced, a pose that did not leave much to the imagination and that quickly went viral, fueling speculation among his followers and the general public.

It was the well-known entertainment portal “Tío Michi” that was responsible for disseminating the photograph, showing Uriel with his hand on Shirley’s lower back, a gesture that for many confirms the closeness and new relationship between the two.

“Arturo Longton loses everything”

The publication on the portal provoked an avalanche of comments and reactions, highlighting among them that of Fabio Agostini himself, who simply wrote: “Tough there”, adding even more fire to the fervor of the moment.

The reaction of the followers was immediate. Among the most notable comments, some pointed directly to Arturo Longton, who had had a brief romance with the model during her stay on the reality show. “Arturo Longton loses everything”wrote one user, while others added comments like: “Dani Castro: fan of their relationship”, and “They always felt like it”.

The relationship between Shirley and Arturo had been one of the most talked about topics during the broadcast of “Tierra Brava”, so this new romance with Uriel did not go unnoticed.

In addition, some followers questioned the friendship between Uriel and Arturo Longton. One notable comment was: “And they were not so friendly with Arturo.”indicating that some viewers still doubt the loyalty between the former reality show colleagues.

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