What it is and how to avoid tired legs syndrome in hot weather

Tired legs, swelling, heaviness, pain and fluid retention… Do they sound familiar to you? Yes, they are symptoms that worsen when heat and high temperatures arrive. In fact, Tired legs syndrome is a disorder that affects 20-30% of the adult populationis five times more common in women and common in 50% over the age of 50, according to data from the Spanish Society of Community Pharmacy (SEFAC).

“The veins and lymphatic vessels have valves that are responsible for pumping blood and lymph, respectively, and when these fail fluid stagnation occurs, from knees to ankles”, explains Antonio Arjona, physiotherapist and training manager at LPG.

Why does tired legs syndrome occur?

It is usually aggravated by menstruation, pregnancy, hormonal replacement treatments or taking oral contraceptives, for purely hormonal reasons.

“The culprits that this is female heritage are, mainly, genetics and hormones. Poor circulation is inherited but, in addition, hormonal fluctuations cause women to have greater predisposition to retain fluids”explains Antonio Arjona.

It also appears with heat and humidity changes “because these factors produce vasodilation of the capillaries and blood vessels, which in turn leads to an outflow of fluid to the surrounding tissue,” the expert concedes.

And he adds: “Due to this, there is a slowing down of circulation and an accumulation of fluids that cause the sensation of heaviness and difficulty in moving, typical of hot weather.”

Other factors would be age, excessive sodium (salt) consumption, lack of exercise and poor postural habits (standing or sitting for a long time, or crossing your legs): “They increase the pressure in the veins and can even cause spider veins, veins and varicose veins to appear,” says Arjona.

Also have flat feetsince it decreases muscle contraction during walking; prolonged exposure to the sun or to heat sources; long trips; and the overweight or obesity (additional pressure on the veins in the legs, which makes venous return difficult).

Added to this is the increased adipose tissue in the legs (nullifies the effectiveness of the muscle pump); the constipation (which causes increased abdominal pressure); wear clothes that are too tight on the waist and legs or wearing too many heels (because it slows down venous return).

What measures to take to avoid tired legs

  1. Correct posture: “Do not cross your legs and try to take breaks to keep them elevated above your heart from time to time. About 30 minutes 2-3 times a day,” advises the LPG training manager.
  2. Avoid heat: Do not put your legs near heat sources, such as the sun, stoves or radiators.
  3. Exercise: “Do daily exercise that involves moving your legs, such as walking, swimming or pedaling for 30-60 minutes a day. And if we have to stand or sit for a long time, it is good to do leg exercises: stand on tiptoe several times in a row, walk on your heels…”, advises the beautician and businesswoman Carmen Navarro.
  4. Tight clothes: You should avoid wearing tight clothing and socks with narrow rubber. “It is preferable to use loose garments made of natural and breathable fabrics such as cotton,” according to Navarro.
  5. Appropriate footwear: try to wear wide, comfortable shoes and avoid wearing heels higher than 4 cm.
  6. Varied and balanced diet: “Avoid overweight and constipation with a balanced and varied Mediterranean diet, where there is an abundance of vegetables, fruits, fiber, whole grains, extra virgin olive oil, avocado, fatty fish rich in Omega3, and seeds. Likewise, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of processed foods, fried foods, coffee, tobacco and alcohol,” advises the expert.
  7. Restful sleep: try to sleep with your legs elevated by about 10-20 cm.
  8. Compression socks: “Circulation can be improved and the appearance of varicose veins delayed if we wear tights, stockings and medium compression socks,” Arjona recommends.
  9. Draining infusions: “Take infusions of horse chestnut, hibiscus, nettle leaves, horsetail, dandelion, artichoke, grape pomace… to reduce swelling, promote venous circulation, drain, relieve and combat fluid retention “, advises Amil López, nutritionist and doctor of pharmacy.
  10. Specific cosmetics: Finish the shower with a good jet of cold water, from ankles to thighs to combat fluid retention, in addition to eliminating toxins. And after this, do a good massage with a specific cosmetic for tired legs, which contains red vine extract, horse chestnut, witch hazel, ruscus, ginkgo biloba, arnica, algae, menthol, camphor,” says Carmen Navarro.

What treatments can relieve tired legs

In addition to the tips to avoid tired legs, there are also other options that give very good results inside the cabin:

Cryo-Redomenlant Detox

It consists of two phases. The first mobilizes tissue, reactivates circulation and eliminates toxins.

The Celly M6 Alliance body head combines a motorized valve and roller with sequential suction that work together to mobilize tissues in specific areas (abdomen, buttocks, thighs and calves). So, Circulation is reactivated and toxins are eliminated.

Through detoxifying maneuvers, Helps reactivate and multiply lymphatic circulation by three naturally and painlessly.

In Phase 2, a cryo-remodeling massage and cold effect cosmetics are used.

The treatment ends with the application of LPG Cryomodeling Massage Balm to hydrate, tone and relieve the feeling of heavy and swollen legs and feet.

“Contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant Horse Chestnut; extracts of arnica, witch hazel and red vine, which decongest, drain, have a venotonic, vasodilator and antioxidant effect, and treat problems of venous insufficiency, tingling and heavy legs,” details Laia Puig, head of cosmetics at LPG.

“It also contains menthol and camphor, with a refreshing, decongestant and toning effect; and macadamia oil and shea butter, rich in oleic, palmitoleic, linoleic and vitamin E acids to deeply hydrate, repair and protect from external aggressions,” he adds. .


It consists of putting on pants that incorporate air chambers that inflate and deflate in a controlled manner.

It involves the application of controlled pressurewith varying rhythms and intensities that activate the circulation and the lymphatic system, which imitates traditional manual draining massage”describes Estrella Pujol, esthetician and director of Oxigen.

Pressotherapy helps reduce fluid retention and promote the elimination of toxins generated, in addition to improving the feeling of heavy legs. Something else: promotes muscle relaxation and regeneration.

Products to combat tired legs syndrome

But these are not the only options to combat tired legs. There’s also some products that you can use in your daily routine that can help (a lot) to feel lighter.

Combine them with a massage and multiply the benefits of these home treatments:

E’LIFEXIR E’LIFEXIR Actidren Leg Relaxing Gel, 200ml

Now 30% discount

Credit: amazon.es

PRANAROM Pranarom Circularom Gel Cream Organic, essential oils of Cade, Field Mint, Geranium, light legs, soothes, refreshes and tones, promotes circulation and offers circulatory comfort, 100 ml

Now 17% discount

Credit: amazon.es

Energizing Emulsion

Energizing Emulsion

Spanish Institute ARNICIA LOTION TIRED LEGS, 500ml


Now 13% discount

Credit: amazon.es

Freshly Freshly Cosmetics Hyaluronic Energy Body Serum. Serum for tired legs, varicose veins and fluid retention. 200ml.

Freshly Cosmetics Hyaluronic Energy body serum. Serum for tired legs, varicose veins and fluid retention. 200ml.

LPG Body Line. Intensif Anti-Cellulite Serum – LPG

Body line. Intensif Anti-Cellulite Serum - LPG

Credit: cosmeticos24h.com

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