Diego Val in his new role as a dad and how much it changed his life: “I haven’t been a bandit, I’ve just had a good time”

Diego Val in his new role as a dad and how much it changed his life: “I haven’t been a bandit, I’ve just had a good time”
Diego Val in his new role as a dad and how much it changed his life: “I haven’t been a bandit, I’ve just had a good time”

Diego Val celebrates his first year as a dad with the arrival of Valentino. IG Diego Val

Diego Val He is undoubtedly a media figure in Peru, without failing to recognize how talented he is. He has represented us as an actor in Mexican soap operas and as a singer in one of the most recognized reality shows in the United States, ‘The voice’, getting good comments from the coaches Christina Aguilera, Adam Levine, Cee Lo Green and Blake Shelton. At the same time, she has not stopped releasing singles, those that have thousands of views, such as Hey Mama, La Botella and Solo tú, which she shared with the teacher. Eva Ayllón.

Today he is in Peru to deliver a new proposal, a series of sessions where he will share with international artists. On this occasion, the project starts with the renowned Colombian Cabas, with whom he has a great friendship. In conversation with Infobae Peru, The Peruvian artist talks to us about this experience, in addition to a new stage that has come to his life, fatherhood.

After many years you decided to return to Peru….

Yes, I present the launch of my next single with Cabas, excited to be able to offer this project that is not only for Peru, but also one that crosses borders. Thanks to the label Wolfclan Records, who started a concept called Wolfclan Sessions, we are here.

What is this project about?

The session with Cabas is the first of many songs that we will share with international artists, where the entire composition and coexistence process will be documented. The two weeks of pure music and good times have been captured on video.

Diego Val joined Cabas to release a new song. IG Diego Val

And do you already know which other artists you are going to continue making these proposals with?

Currently, we already have the first three proposals finalized. The first has been Cabas, the second is with a Cuban-American artist called Jay Mali, which is doing very well in the United States and has an urban-pop fusion. The third session we are working with the group The Bacanos, some Venezuelans who are very loved here in Peru. There is also another topic coming up that we will be promoting in Mexico by the end of the year.

Now immersed in the musical world, how are you doing with acting?

Look, at the beginning of last year I took the reins and decided to dedicate myself 100% to the musical project. That’s why I decided to move to Peru. In fact, in the 37 years that I am, I have not lived in Peru for more than three years. I left when I was 7 or 8 years old. I have been a tourist in my own country for the last 30 years of my life. I want to make music here, to be present, that’s why I decided to move last year with my family to Peru. I have made songs with Eva Ayllon and Daniela Darcourt, I have not stopped. The last song that was released six weeks ago, thank God, has more than 700 thousand views on Spotify.

Diego Val pointed out that he is dedicated to his family and musical life. IG Diego Val

Now that you’re doing a lot of feats, would it make you want to share with Leslie Shaw (ex-partner)?

If you ask me who I could share music with, I think there are many artists in our country with whom I would love to be able to immerse myself and try different fusions. I can talk to you from Grupo 5, from Patrick Romantik, Corazón Serrano, Maricarmen Marin, many. For me, music is sharing and being able to combine musical genres, and in Peru there is a great variety of talents.

If for some reason an opportunity arose with Leslie, of course, we would study it and see what could be done, but I think that in the end it is about collaborating.

This year is very special for you, you became a father…

Wow yes! The most beautiful experience of my life. My son is currently four months old, it has been the greatest gift of my life. Just like being able to share my life with a woman I love, having a team, which is your family, is the most important thing. This year has started on the right foot. My son is healthy and I have the opportunity to share with him, to see him grow.

Are you an active daddy? Do you change diapers, do you sleep, and do all the activities that are often left to the mother alone?

Hahaha. Well, yes, I do. Look, I think that leaving responsibility to the mother is lazy. It’s not taking responsibility. The respect I have for my wife and all women who are mothers also goes hand in hand. As a man, it is very unmanly not to be present. When a baby arrives it is such a tedious, personal job, where the woman goes through very complicated, very difficult moments, psychologically, personally. And if you, as a husband and best friend, are not there for her, it is a very difficult situation. I am a present father and I always will be, it is my responsibility to take care of my son from everything bad that may happen to him.

Diego Val celebrates his first year as a dad with the arrival of Valentino. IG Diego Val

You are known as a Diego who is quite a bandit in the middle, how will you guide your little one?

Hahaha. Oh, bandit, no. I think the word is not bandit, I’ve just had a good time, because if you notice, there have never been any complaints from me. One thing is what reaches the media, where novels are generated, and another is how I have really behaved. I promise that I will instill values ​​and principles in my son. He sees it every day at home, from how I treat his mother, without fights and with a lot of respect. They learn from a very young age and repeat it when they grow up.

How do you get along with your ex-partners?

Well, if I have to talk to someone, for some personal or work reason, I have no problem doing so.

Diego Val arrived in Peru to stay and present a new musical project. IG Diego Val

You have received strong criticism from Magaly Medina, what can you say about it?

I have always said it, I am very grateful for the good or bad reputation that she can give me, because it is ten minutes of television that is talking about me. So in the end, the audience is objective, and they decide what they listen to and what they don’t listen to.

Diego Val refers to Magaly Medina’s criticism. (Photo: Instagram/ ATV)

How are you spending this Sunday?

As a family, that’s what I really like about Peru. I am enjoying all the years of family warmth that I missed when I was in the United States. The truth is that I still can’t believe that I am celebrating Father’s Day, I feel very happy.

And are you one of those who wants a full house or do you stay with a child?

Well, look, these types of questions are difficult to answer when you are present in the early mornings taking care of your baby and the next day you have to go out with glasses to cover the dark circles hahaha. There you kind of hold your tongue. If it were up to me, I would have a soccer team, I would have many children, but it is a topic that I must discuss with my wife. I have to ask her what she wants to do or if she wants to take time to study something. Meanwhile, with Valentino we are fine, in two years we will restructure the plan.

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