What’s coming for this June 17?

What’s coming for this June 17?
What’s coming for this June 17?

Durante la jornada de este lunes 17 de junio en TV+ (TV Más), Pedro Engel llevó a cabo su esperada lectura del horóscopo.

En diálogo con Francisca Merino en Pedro y Pancha, el tarotista realizó su tradicional predicción para cada signo del Zodíaco junto a su hijo Simón.

Pedro Engel entregó su horóscopo para este 17 de junio

In this context, the astrologer launched a series of tips to face the next 24 hours.

Along with the above, the communicator focused his predictions on “the keys to destiny”.

Aries (21 de marzo al 19 de abril)

Today Aries is connected to the entire female lineage.

On this day you only have to feel, love and express yourself.

Connect with memories of the past, but only the beautiful ones, especially those related to childhood when you felt protected.

Tauro (20 de abril al 20 de mayo)

Today you will have an angelic and light day, perhaps you are on vacation or spending a moment where you are very protected.

On this day he only has joy in his heart.

Life shows simplicity and small things, those things are very interesting for Taurus, who, being an earth sign, sees that detail that makes the soul so happy.

Géminis (21 de mayo al 20 de junio)

Today you have a conflict, but don’t worry, since life always has chaos.

However, along with this, existence also has an order, which is greater than all the chaos there can be.

If you are having a problem or do not feel comfortable, think that there is a balance in nature.

Be patient, bad moments are due to a minor detail in life, don’t blame yourself.

Cáncer (21 de junio al 22 de julio)

Cancer is reaching the end of a crisis (…) perhaps you have had sadness or nostalgia, but that will end and a new period will begin in which you will feel more secure and happy.

Everything happens in the end, because nothing remains forever.

Don’t use emotions so much, sometimes good cold and lucid thinking is very necessary.

Leo (23 de julio al 22 de agosto)

You received a fabulous card that has to do with prosperity, opulence and blessings.

Today enjoy and have a good time, shine because the sun is in your heart.

On this day, which is very dark and rainy, that Leo warmth is needed.

Virgo (23 de agosto al 22 de septiembre)

Today Virgo is connected with everything he has achieved in his life, since he is looking back at the path he has traveled.

Ask the moon for protection and blessing because there is nothing better than that.

Don’t be afraid, all those ideas that are in your head will never happen and life will always treat you well.

Libra (23 de septiembre al 22 de octubre)

Today Libra feels absolute freedom, since he does not want to be told what to do.

Fulfill your dream and don’t tie yourself to anything, on this day you have permission to behave as you want and do what you want.

Escorpión (23 de octubre al 21 de noviembre)

Today Scorpio is brilliant (…) he has the power at this moment, because everything that is happening will not surprise him, since he knows how to act at this precise moment.

No sign of the Zodiac has the strength that it has within itself. Remember that you have a power in your soul that makes you an example.

Sagitario (22 de noviembre al 21 de diciembre)

Sagittarius is very awake (…) he is full of ideas and inspirations.

This is a very special day because there is a bridge between your mind and the original source that is blowing you everything you need to do.

Take care of your loved ones, no matter what you have to do, because family comes first.

Never forget it, because that is the great gift of life: being united with those you love.

Capricornio (22 de diciembre al 19 de enero)

On this day Capricorn is opening his heart, which he does not do very often.

Today he is very sensitive and loving all of humanity.

You have a wonderful soul, but sometimes you hide yourself so as not to show your vulnerability. But today don’t use that shield, show yourself in all your dimension.

Acuario (20 de enero al 18 de febrero)

Today you have many things to do, since you are full of thoughts in your mind.

Don’t worry, because everything will be fine, focus on what you want most and smile.

Aquarius is a wonderful person (…) many people admire him.

Piscis (19 febrero al 20 de marzo)

Pisces is very mental today, as ideas, memories and memories of pain appeared.

Don’t do that, tune out and change the tune.

Dive into your inner world, because everything is about to happen in your life, since you have a full day to enjoy happy moments.

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