These signs will have good luck today, June 18, according to Professor Salomón

These signs will have good luck today, June 18, according to Professor Salomón
These signs will have good luck today, June 18, according to Professor Salomón

With the help of the tarot, Professor Salomón consults what awaits them in people’s daily lives, according to their date of birth and zodiac sign to which they belong. As is customary, he does not begin the reading without saying the color of the day and the general recommendation for everyone.

This June 18, the expert recommended the following:

  • Color: blue
  • Number: 1633
  • Recommendation: So that this day brings prosperity, plant three coins of any value in a pot, asking for health, money and love.

Signs that will be lucky TODAY

The cards revealed positive news to the expert for all signs, some receive small recommendations to attract what they want. Take note!


For natives under this sign who have a birthday, interesting things and unexpected opportunities come that they should know how to make the most of. Some are negotiating something related to housing, which will have positive results.

Gambling is going to come with a surprise, something has been hanging around them and finally, it is going to fall on them.


Whatever has to do with business, opportunities and money can be achieved with greater happiness in the last days. Those who are in a health process will have a good result, have faith.


The three of air came out in the tarot, those born under this sign will have good days economically, a silver looms, either to have more or to pay off debts. Signing papers that will mean stability, it can be housing or work.


There is something important with love, the tarot spoke of something that has to strengthen, improve, forgive, balance or release in the emotional part. Some people will have a trip or outing that they should take advantage of and live with an open mind, attracting good things.

Be careful with your health, it can be broken due to the stress you feel.


Good cards. Balance and improvement after overcoming strong tests; There is a recovery, so he must be in better spirits. Everything related to the work or entrepreneurship part will have blessing and stability.

For those who plan to leave the country, everything will flow as desired.


There is a movement with something in a vehicle, it can be buying or selling. People born under this sign will face a family situation for which they must have strength. They will have a lot of work, commitment to results and money in their favor.


You must know how to take things calmly, there are things that did not turn out as you thought, but you must have patience to look at alternatives and solutions for what could not be completed. Money will arrive that he did not count on, but he must know how to invest it.

We recommend:


The letters were hopeful. Something that was missing appears and fills him with joy. Furthermore, in the emotional part there is good joy, recovery or stability in love. Financially, money will arrive that will calm your nerves.


Professor Salomón assures that the cards tell him that those born under this sign must overcome some obstacles and put strength into them. That is why he recommends repeating the following phrase to yourself: “I am, I can, it is easy and I will achieve it.”

  • Lucky number: 1954


People born under this sign tend to say a lot of rudeness; the expert recommends, based on what the cards told him, to reduce them to ‘expletives’, since these have power and can open a field that is not convenient. Implement phrases of blessing and gratitude.

People who are looking for a promotion will be given it successfully. Furthermore, in love, everything will improve, stabilize or someone will appear.

Don’t despair, things will be improving, new things are coming, but you have to organize. You have to make decisions, don’t forget. In love, he defines what he wants, how he wants it and what he needs in his emotional part, as in the work part.


The cards showed celebrations because many things are going to be fixed, some problems or inconveniences that existed will end. Also, there are interesting things with the job, it may be a new offer or a promotion you have been waiting for.

Let yourself be carried away by your intuition, the one that has been awakening in recent days and will take you on the right path.

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