Princess Leonor winks at her father, King Felipe VI, on the anniversary of his proclamation

Princess Leonor winks at her father, King Felipe VI, on the anniversary of his proclamation
Princess Leonor winks at her father, King Felipe VI, on the anniversary of his proclamation

Important day for the Spanish royal family, since ten years are commemorated since the proclamation of Felipe VI as kingafter the abdication of Juan Carlos I. Their Majesties the Kings, accompanied by Their Royal Highnesses the Princess of Asturias and the Infanta Doña Sofía, attended the solemn relief of the Royal Guard on the occasion of the celebrations, which was open to the public .

The kings, Felipe VI and Letizia, together with the princess of Asturias and the infanta Sofía, have observed, from the balcony of the Throne Room, the evolution of the members of the Royal Guard, which has been represented by an incoming and an outgoing guard whose movements have been accompanied by the Music Unit. 359 royal guards and 86 horses (59 from the Royal Escort Squadron and 27 from the Royal Battery) participated in the military parade.

The solemn relief is a changing of the guard based on the one carried out by the units that provided security service at the Royal Palace of Madrid since it became the official residence of the kings of Spain in the 18th century. This relief became visible when Fernando VII celebrated his betrothal with María Cristina de Borbón on December 9, 1829. Coinciding with the date of the ceremony, it was decided that the guard provided only by infantry units would be increased with two forces of artillery and a crew of cavalry.

The Royal Guard, in its constant desire to recover and maintain the greatest number of traditions of the troops of the Royal Family, proposed its resumption in the 90s and, after a long period of documentation and preparations, on Wednesday, November 23, 1994 saw the light. The solemn relay, as we know it today, is a staging of the one that took place daily in the times of Alfonso XII and Alfonso XIII. Since then, It takes place once a month, usually on the first Wednesdaysexcept for specific exceptions motivated by the official agenda, the promotion of Defense culture or tourism in the city of Madrid.

Well, during this event, it was possible to see on Princess Leonor’s tailored suit, signed by the Ourense designer Roberto Verino, a nod to her father, the great protagonist of the day. And it is that The heiress wore the golden fleece, just like the king wore on his lapel. A badge that is the highest distinction offered by the Royal Family.

Princess Leonor, King Felipe, Queen Letizia and Infanta Sofía greet from the balcony of the Plaza de Oriente on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the proclamation.Diego RadamesEuropa Press

The real agenda

Subsequently, The decorations of the Order of Civil Merit were awarded as recognition by the Crown to those who carry out their life and ordinary professional work in an exemplary manner, at the service of society..

Likewise, the kings offer a lunch to a representation of the powers of the State and society; and afternoon Princess Leonor and Infanta Doña Sofía hold a meeting with young participants in the editions of the contest ‘What is a King for you?’organized by the Spanish Institutional Foundation (FIES).

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