“Because of that joke they could disappear you”: Yerko Puchento throws the “forbidden size” about Pinochet to Checho Hirane

“Because of that joke they could disappear you”: Yerko Puchento throws the “forbidden size” about Pinochet to Checho Hirane
“Because of that joke they could disappear you”: Yerko Puchento throws the “forbidden size” about Pinochet to Checho Hirane

This Sunday, Yerko Puchento had his fourth participation in Podemos Hablar, a star show on CHV where he He launched without a filter in front of the four star guests.

On this occasion, the space hosted by Julio César Rodríguez had the visit of the actress Katty Kowaleczko, the actor Adriano Castillo, the actress Maly Jorquiere and the comedian Checho Hirane. Yes indeed, It was his “chat” with the latter that caused people to talk on social networks.

After sitting next to his colleague, Yerko proceeded to “introduce” him.

“A man who only eats lunch at the restaurant where Augusto is and who at the age of 7 won a song festival on the TVN program, Colorín Colorado, and despite this he developed a phobia of all the Colorados in Chile, except for Rojo Edwards. ”he said, causing a smile from Hirane.

“Checho, was the mood different in my general’s time, after the pronouncement? I tell him a statement, just like you”the foul-mouthed character asked the radio host.

Before Checho responded, Yerko continued: “I just remember some jokes we told. Look: Why was Pinochet’s car called ‘la humita’? Because they both had basil. And because of that joke they could disappear you at that time, it couldn’t be counted”.

Finally, after generating laughter in the studio, Puchento warmed to Hirane.

“And I’m going to say it here: this man is a man consistent with what he thinks and what he does, and I respect that. Checho Hirane has a last name like the right, thinks like the right and lives like the right. Not like Daniel Alcaíno, who has the face of a communist, a last name like a momio, dresses like Frente Amplio and sucks like a socialist.”he concluded.

Relive a new edition of Podemos Hablar

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