Billy Zane, the villain of “Titanic”, protagonist of the biopic of a Hollywood megastar

Billy Zane, the villain of “Titanic”, protagonist of the biopic of a Hollywood megastar
Billy Zane, the villain of “Titanic”, protagonist of the biopic of a Hollywood megastar

Billy Zane will play Marlon Brando in a new biopic. (Credit: REUTERS/Alisha Jucevic)

Billy Zanerecognized for his role in Titanic, will take on the challenge of interpreting Marlon Brando in a new biopic. This project, titled Waltzing with Brando, It does not follow the traditional format of film biographies. Rather than spanning the iconic actor’s entire life, the film focuses on a five-year period, highlighting the special relationship between Brando and the architect. Bernard Judge. The production briefly addresses the time when Brando played Jor-ElKal-El’s Kryptonian father in superman of 1978.

In an interview with Entertainment WeeklyZane revealed that a scene was recently added to this movie, which includes a Easter Egg related to superman. A easter eggs In films it is a message, image or object intentionally hidden by the creators within the work. These elements can be references to other films, popular culture, tributes to creators or characters, or simply humorous details. Its purpose is to surprise and delight the most attentive viewers.

Marlon Brando played the role of Jor-El in Superman and is included in the new biopic.

“We added this little Easter Egg for the credits sequence we just filmed a week and a half ago. That is synchronizing and adapting as we speak,” Zane mentioned. “Literally, we just added a little outtake like Jor-El, of him doing outtakes during the filming of [Superman]. We found that [metraje] online and we thought it was the funniest“said the actor.

This footage includes a botched script reading where Brando gets confused while reciting Kal-El’s name, calling him “Alal, Kal-El, Ralph, whatever your name is” during a dramatic monologue. This anecdote is only a small part of the film’s focus, which focuses more on the relationship between Brando and Judge and their shared passions, including civil rights, indigenous rights and environmental issues.

Billy Zane achieved worldwide fame as a counterfigure in “Titanic.” (Credit: Photo by Moviestore/Shutterstock)

As Zane explained, the focus of the film is to present a unique perspective of Brando: “It’s not a typical biopic, it’s not a cradle-to-grave story.” Instead of covering the entire life of the historical figure, Waltzing with Brando focuses on a specific and significant period of the late sixties and early seventies in Tahitiwhen Brando and Judge were working on sustainable design.

Zane also expressed that this approach seems more real and less sensational to him: “I’m not interested in making a sensational list of all the obstacles in life. [de Marlon], the ups and downs, because I don’t like the structure of biographical films. You can never cover a life objectively when you are only trying to hit the target; It feels fake and cloying and, in the end, I don’t end up liking the theme at the end of a biopic.”

Marlon Brandon as Vito Corleone in the film “The Godfather” that established him as one of the best actors in history. (Credits: EFE/Paramount Pictures)

Waltzing with Brando It is an adaptation of the book written by Bernard Judge, Brando’s close friend. Zane also highlighted the contradictions that defined the famous actor: “He may be the biggest star in the world, or so they said, or the most famous man… but he was blacklisted and he was out, and maybe [su] withdrawal was licking his wounds.” This novel and insightful approach was what attracted Zane to the project.

The actor ended the interview by confirming that the film is in its final phase of post-production: “We are literally finishing the mix right now. We can’t wait to show it to the world. “We are about to move forward.”

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