check the prediction for June 25

check the prediction for June 25
check the prediction for June 25

La jornada de este martes 25 de junio en TV+ (TV Más), Pedro Engel llevó a cabo su esperada lectura del horóscopo.

Pedro Engel entregó su horóscopo para este 25 de junio

In this context, the writer launched a series of tips to face the next 24 hours.

Likewise, the writer focused his predictions on “the keys to destiny”.

Aries (21 de marzo al 19 de abril)

Two energies that were opposed come together; generally, when one has competition or there is someone who opposes one, they wage war.

Don’t do that, join forces, because if you unite, there is a common point where both parties are empowered.

No fighting, just togetherness.

You have fabulous and powerful energy, you tell the truth without anesthesia, but that is appreciated.

Tauro (20 de abril al 20 de mayo)

There is good news at work, something is going to come out that will make you very happy.

Money or a salary increase is coming that will leave you in balance.

Control anxiety, not by chasing things will work out. It is much better to go hand in hand with things or accompanying your projects.

Géminis (21 de mayo al 20 de junio)

Gemini is healing thanks to great energy.

It is a time to take a salt bath with crystals.

Never lose that mental quickness that you have in any aspect, it is very well linked to your sexuality.

Cáncer (21 de junio al 22 de julio)

Cancer is waking up with the law of forgiveness and empathy.

Call or send a message, don’t be so proud, if you have to say ‘I love you’, do it.

Leo (23 de julio al 22 de agosto)

Leo is receiving all that much-needed light energy right now, so connect it with your heart.

Never lose sight of the fact that you are the king of the Zodiac, so what you think or feel will come true, since you have a lot of ability to concretize.

Virgo (23 de agosto al 22 de septiembre)

Virgo comes to break the shell to take away the old clothes of the personality.

This is a great moment for you, since you can be reborn in a new stage where you will be happier.

Take care of your thoughts during these days, as there is a lot of darkness going around. Do not take that tuning, always remember that he is a child of light.

Libra (23 de septiembre al 22 de octubre)

Limiting thoughts or beliefs appeared that are not helping.

You are a child of Venus, the goddess of love, so just love yourself and life will be easier.

Escorpión (23 de octubre al 21 de noviembre)

Scorpio is doing very well today, since all his female ancestors are giving him intellect, light and speed.

You see underwater, no one has that intuition, take advantage of it. If you have a problem, pay attention to it.

Sagitario (22 de noviembre al 21 de diciembre)

He is very anxious, because he wants everything to happen now.

Don’t hurry, walk calmly, because things will happen in the right time.

Also don’t believe that your ideas are the only and true ones.

Capricornio (22 de diciembre al 19 de enero)

Capricorn is crowned with the energies of the earth, it is a very good time for work, family and sentimental life.

Believe in yourself, have faith in yourself and your gifts, what life gave you, use it.

Acuario (20 de enero al 18 de febrero)

Today connect with your mom, feel her energy, whether you have met her or not.

Aquarius is a person who knows how to enjoy life. Congratulations, because on this day he will be resting and having a good time.

Piscis (19 febrero al 20 de marzo)

On this day I invite you to meditate and look at things from their roots.

It doesn’t matter if the world turns upside down, since that will allow you to apply the humility, simplicity and depth of life.

You are very mystical and spiritual, you have a very sweet energy, therefore, apply it, because that is what our planet needs.

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