The Vegetable Days, to order

The Calahorra Vegetable Gastronomic Days ended yesterday, Sunday, with a very good taste in the mouth. The broad support of the public and, especially, the pull of tourism during the weekend are two of the aspects that the councilor of the branch, Reyes Zapata, yesterday valued the closing of the Silo tent and this event, in which the agricultural world, gastronomy and the hospitality sector join hands to get the best out of the Calagurritan orchard. “Buses have arrived from Zaragoza, Bilbao…, and yesterday (Saturday) the Vegetable Museum was full,” highlighted the head of the municipal Tourism area for this latest edition of the conference. Above all, she considers it “a great success” to have complemented the weekend vegetable market with a bar, musical entertainment and a children’s show. “The public did not come and go but stayed in the tent,” said Reyes Zapata about this novelty in the market, which despite the rain on Saturday was full of people throughout the weekend.

The people who approached the tent did not leave empty-handed either. Artichokes, asparagus, broad beans and peas flew from the stalls. The vegetable jewelry by Ruiz Domínguez Joyeros and La Comedia, which could be seen on the catwalk of the vegetable fashion design contest on Friday, was irresistible to the tourists who came to the market.

From Andalusia to Dubai

The clubs distributed 2,400 portions of artichokes, rice and fajitas with vegetables, cauliflower and peas. “The public did not come and go but stayed in the tent.”

Reyes Zapat

Tourism Councilor

Some of the earrings and necklaces from his latest collection for the Vegetable Days went to Andalusia and even to Dubai, as the Calagurritan jeweler Jesús Ángel Ruiz commented at the close of the days.

And for success, the popular tasting that the city’s clubs offered yesterday Sunday on the ground floor of the bullring. La Philips, La Riojana, El Sol, El Hambre, la Calagurritana and La Moza distributed 2,400 portions of different vegetable dishes, which were the star of Sunday’s meal. Fried artichokes, Calahorra cauliflower, peas with ham, rice and fajitas with vegetables along with a combination of artichokes with ham, fresh garlic and mashed potatoes gave a good example of the variety of Calagurritan agriculture and the good on hand in the kitchen of the peñas. In addition, the five euros raised for each tasting tray will go this year to the San Isidro brotherhood.

Folklore was also very present through the Coletores dance group, which brought together dancers of all ages to highlight and continue remembering the dances with which Calagurritans and Riojans have always enjoyed days of festivities, like yesterday. in Calahorra and shared by the president of La Rioja, Gonzalo Capellán, and the Minister of Agriculture, Noemí Manzanos.


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