From Argentina to the United States: what the Tzedaká Foundation’s solidarity event will be like in New York

From Argentina to the United States: what the Tzedaká Foundation’s solidarity event will be like in New York
From Argentina to the United States: what the Tzedaká Foundation’s solidarity event will be like in New York

The Tzedaká Foundation was created in 1991 within the Jewish community. Since then, it has accompanied the development of the country, producing real changes in the living conditions of thousands of Argentines who live in situations of risk and vulnerability (courtesy of the Tzedaká Foundation)

The Tzedaka Foundation organizes a new solidarity event tonight in the Moise Safra Center of NY. The meeting will bring together more than 200 prominent businessmen and professionals, from Argentines residing in USA and American citizens committed to social causes.

The central purpose is to “raise funds to address the growing needs of our community here in Argentina in the context of the current crisis,” as highlighted by the Foundation.

The evening promises not only to be an instance of solidarity, but also an opportunity to enjoy an exquisite cocktail, followed by dinner. Additionally, attendees will have the opportunity to participate in a charity auction of exclusive experiences, which include gastronomic and tourist proposals in highlights in NY, Buenos Aires, Mendoza, Villa la Angostura and the Iberá Wetlands.

The gala not only seeks to raise funds, but also to highlight the cultural and natural wealth of Argentinapromoting a bridge of solidarity between both countries.

The Foundation will be represented by its president, Javier Suez, a media entrepreneur in Argentina, along with other members of the Board.

The invitation to the Tzedaká Foundation’s annual charity gala

The choice of the Moise Safra Center as the venue for this event highlights the importance of the initiative, providing an iconic space that reflects the Tzedaká Foundation’s commitment to excellence and inclusion. The entity, recognized for its altruistic work, seeks with this event to surpass the results obtained in previous editions, aiming for massive and generous participation from the international community.

The main objective of the Tzedaka Foundation is to protect the most needy members of the community, supporting, promoting and developing social and educational initiatives. Tzedakah means justice and solidarityseeking to restore the right of each individual to live with dignity.

The Foundation was created in 1991 within the Jewish community. Since then, it has accompanied the development of the country, producing real changes in the living conditions of thousands of Argentines who live in situations of risk and vulnerability. The fight against poverty is the axis of its task, through a unique social model in Argentina of networking and with a comprehensive intervention approach and multidisciplinary, providing effective and efficient responses to thousands of citizens.

Integrating professional and voluntary workdevelops programs in the areas of comprehensive assistance, education and health, develops the only aid program for Shoah survivors and enhances its work through networking with social organizations, the State and companies, throughout its area Tzedakah and Society. This social network mobilizes more than 600 volunteers, more than 6,500 donors and almost 100 professionals in various areas.

The Tzedaká Foundation has donated more than 10,000 garments for children, woven by our volunteer knitters throughout the country.

Tzedaká Centers offer a variety of programs and services to address the needs of the community. Some of the Tzedakah Centers and their focus areas are: Amichai Tzedakah Center; Tzedaka Bialik Center; Tzedaka Icuf Center; Lamroth Hakol Tzedakah Center; Macabi Tzedaka Center; Shalom West Tzedakah Center; Tzedaka Scholem Center; Tzedaká Sholem Buenos Aires Center and South Tzedaká Center (Kehilá Dr. Herzl)

These centers offer comprehensive assistance, education, job training, assistance programs to Holocaust survivors, and operate the Community Drug Bank. In addition, they participate in the National Drug Distribution Network

Can collaborate with the Tzedaká Foundation in the following ways:

  • As Donor. Monetary donations can be made to support the Foundation’s programs and services. Also contribute with donations in kind, such as food, medicines or other necessary resources.
  • As a volunteer. If you wish to volunteer, you can offer your time, dedication and solidarity to support the Foundation’s activities.

The Tzedaká Foundation offers spaces for training and workshops for volunteers, providing tools to carry out the task effectively. Participate in events and activities organized by the Foundation for volunteers, such as the Annual Solidarity Fabric Meeting and the medicine classification day together with Cascos Blancos.

Additionally, the foundation works in collaboration with related organizations, maintaining programmatic agreements, donating medicines, clothing, books, furniture, footwear, and responding to emergency situations in Argentina and sending humanitarian aid to Ukraine and Cuba.

Javier Suez, president of the Tzedaká Foundation

The Tzedaká Foundation works in collaboration with related organizations, maintaining programmatic agreements, donating medicines, clothing, books, furniture, footwear, and responding to emergency situations in Argentina and sending humanitarian aid to Ukraine and Cuba. It also serves people across the country, including 4,200 people receiving medication, 200 Holocaust survivors, and 1,004 individuals with support in education and job training.

Care is offered to Holocaust survivors, including food, medications, basic and emotional care, gerontological and psychological treatments, social integration activities, among others.

In summary, the Tzedaká Foundation carries out comprehensive and supportive work to support those most in need in the Argentine community through various programs and services.

For more information about the solidarity event that will be held today, click on the following link

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