The province of Río Negro prepares another blow to the pocket this Thursday

The province of Río Negro prepares another blow to the pocket this Thursday
The province of Río Negro prepares another blow to the pocket this Thursday

After the huge tax that will tax the cost of electricity, voted on last November 17 by 33 of 46 of our legislators, which on the other hand would be violating art. 37 of law 2902 and which would be destined to form a third provincial fund of dubious control, for investments that energy distributors and transporters should make: Now tolls?

By Gabriel Trujillo

From the productive sector of the province we alert the entire society that next Thursday the government will discuss a bill in the legislature, which once again puts its hand in the pockets, absolutely deteriorated, of all the people of Rio Negro. This will create a “new fund” that the province will manage for the maintenance of road works.

The excuses: the cut in co-participation and depleted road funds.

I wonder: A rich province without funds, or a ruling class inefficient in the administration of our resources, at best? An elite that refuses to shrink its structures, sometimes useless for the development and well-being of the people of Rio Negro, and that, ignoring the changes in the new national management, intend to continue maintaining its privileges.

Our province is delicious! Endowed with natural resources like no other in the country, we are capable of putting a satellite in space or generating atomic energy applied to health. We have mining, livestock, fishing, gas, oil, fruit growing, viticulture, we produce energy, food in general, we have world-renowned tourist centers, etc. etc. What is the problem when it comes to living with what is ours? Could it be that our ruling class has no “bottom” when it comes to squeezing the people?

Tourism tolls: in Bariloche we will have one of the most expensive ski passes in the world this year, approximately U$110. To mitigate these circumstances, our leaders are thinking about tolls located for example: at the access to the airport, or at km 24.4 of the small circuit. The latter, a must-see tour for all visitors to our city. Are they thinking with this about encouraging economic activity that has been falling apart?

Food toll: located in different parts of our province, they will also have an impact on the cost of food, that is, we will not only be paying as road users, but also when purchasing basic products.

SMEs receive inputs to produce or finished products that arrive from other parts of the country in trucks. Food is distributed by transport companies that permanently circulate on our routes. Our logistics costs increase and everything is transferred to costs. It should be noted that food sales have collapsed by a fabulous 30%! Your pocket suffers by paying many times over, which politics is not capable of solving with efficiency and transparency in the management of our resources. It is easy to continue squeezing the people. It is easy to continue suffocating SMEs who no longer have the margin to continue absorbing costs. It’s easy with grandma’s money! We are tired!!. We want to know how you live, we want to listen to you who, with or without crisis, have always been the big winners. How do they do it? How can they be successful in their personal economy and so unsuccessful in public administration? Is it always at the expense of those of us who work and produce? Those of us who keep the pot. If you are not able to adapt to circumstances creatively, leave the place to others. We do not want to continue supporting a “monarchy”. We live in a democracy in which they evidently do not believe and which they have used since the discourse. All Rio Negros have the right to know how things are. Enough of making us live in anguish and permanent confusion!

In countries where their governments generate conditions for the development of companies, the well-being of people, where people can access basic goods, the toll system is a good idea to sustain and provide a quality service that The State never offered it despite the large budgets for it. In this country, and under the current circumstances, in this very rich province, where the worker is poor, and SMEs are cornered, a “project like this” can only be promoted by the insensitivity of a ruling class that does not deserve the trust that the town gave him. They are pulling on a rope that no longer has any room for elasticity. It’s time for you to know what restructuring means. As SMEs have done, as do the people you claim to represent.

We are tired of being ignored. We don’t give more. Understand that you were chosen by us. Govern for the people. This is one more blow to the people and to the entire productive sector, from which you live. Finally, in the words of Dr. Alfonsin: “With democracy you eat, you educate and you heal.” Is this a democracy?

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