They seized more than 7 kg of cocaine and 30 kg of marijuana

They seized more than 7 kg of cocaine and 30 kg of marijuana
They seized more than 7 kg of cocaine and 30 kg of marijuana

May 20, 2024 – 00:10

Since the beginning of the year, more than 70 anti-drug procedures have been carried out in the province, which ended with the seizure of more than 30 kilos of marijuana and more than 7,130 kilos of cocaine.

According to information provided by the Institutional Relations area of ​​the Police, on average a drug procedure is carried out every two days in the provincial territory, where the Capital department leads the ranking of operations and is followed by Tinogasta, Belén and Santa María.

Regarding the quantities of drugs seized, the data provided by that entity is not precise, since in most of the kidnapping reports the quantity of drugs is reported in doses, not in grams or kilos.

According to official sources, the dose of marijuana could range between 0.20 and 0.25 grams while that of cocaine would be between 10 and 25 milligrams. In total, nearly 21,000 doses of marijuana were seized in the province, weighing around 5,230 kilos, which, added to the 24,910 kidnapped in the procedures carried out in La Paz, 11,700 kg, Santa Rosa 1,638 kg, and Capital 11,572 , sheds an amount of just over 30 kilos.

It was learned that the Santa Rosa department was where the most doses of cocaine were seized, with 215 units, followed by La Paz with 50 and Fray Mamerto Esquiú with 30.

During two operations, large quantities of cocaine were seized: 5,580 kg in Valle Viejo and 1,550 kg in the Capital. Marijuana plants were also seized where Capayán accumulated 190 units, Tinogasta 17, Fray Mamerto Esquiú 14, Santa María 11, Andalgalá, Capital and Belén with 6 each and Ambato with 2 plants. On the other hand, Dangerous Drugs personnel seized 4,650 anxiolytic tablets in Capital and 672 in Valle Viejo.

The kidnappings also involved marijuana seeds with a total of 2,442 that could be valued at more than 20 million pesos, since in the market they are worth between 10,000 and 30,000 pesos each. In the department of La Paz, 1,231 seeds were found, in Belén 512, Tinogasta 445, Andalgalá 242 and Capital 12.


The vast majority of procedures resulted in the sequestration of “doses.” In Capital, more than 4,622 doses of marijuana were seized, in Belén 4,378, Tinogasta 4,025, Valle Viejo 4,008, Andalgalá 3,649, Pomán 680, Santa María 390 and Santa Rosa 40.

The money seized since January exceeds 7,650,000 pesos.


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