Armenia’s Development Plan 2024-2027 was unanimously approved

Armenia’s Development Plan 2024-2027 was unanimously approved
Armenia’s Development Plan 2024-2027 was unanimously approved

The user accepts this privacy and information processing policy, authorizing EL QUINDIANO SAS to process personal data (collection, storage, use, circulation and deletion of data), as follows: (A) through your explicit consentthat is, an express statement given by the user at the time of registration on the website, (B) by your unequivocal consentthat is, the one that has been provided by the user through the affirmative action of continuing to browse the site, after warning of the collection of personal data.

Once consent has been expressed by the user for the processing of data by EL QUINDIANO SAS, it will obtain and keep all or part of the following personal data: name and surname, user, identity document, age, address, region, country , city, postal code, landline telephone number, mobile telephone number, address, email address, IP, location, advertising and consumer preferences, channel preferences, complaints and claims, service news, the date and time of access to our website (allows us to find out the busiest hours, and make the necessary adjustments to avoid saturation problems at our peak times), the Internet address from which the link that directs to our website originated (with this information we can know the effectiveness of the different banners and links that point to our server, in order to promote those that offer the best results). This information is grouped into basic and personal data, contact data, demographic data, taste data, preferences and habits.

In accordance with current legislation on data protection, Law 1581 of 2012, Decree 1377 of 2013 and other regulatory decrees, the corresponding regulations, the User or Client expressly authorizes EL QUINDIANO SAS to collect, store, purification, use, analysis, circulation, updating and crossing with own or third party information, in any known or unknown technology, of the personal data provided at the time of registration, or any other data provided to EL QUINDIANO SAS for access to some of the services of the website (video downloading, information consultation, subscription, forums, chats, contests, etc.), for the following purposes:

TO. Manage administration tasks, b. that the commercial benefits of all or some of them, affiliates, subsidiaries, as well as their advertisers, strategic allies and suppliers are granted, c. carry out strategic marketing studies, market segmentation, customer satisfaction level among others, d. profiling (audience profiling), AND. optimize the services offered, offer a better browsing experience to the user through the configuration and improvement of our site and provide information of all kinds to the user in accordance with their preferences, after analyzing their browsing habits, F. transfer or international transmission of data , g. determine the number of daily visitors to each section, which allows us to know the most successful areas and increase and improve its content, so that users obtain a more satisfactory result), H. database license, YO. carry out marketing activities of its products and services, and the products and services of its subsidiaries and/or commercial allies, authorizing the receipt of information by any means known or unknown, about subscriptions, promotions, news, products and services related to the events and editorial products edited and/or marketed by EL QUINDIANO SAS

With the granting of the authorization, the User has the ARCO rights (access, rectification, cancellation and opposition of personal data), which implies:

• Know, update and request rectification of data.

• Request proof of the granting of this authorization;

• Know the use that EL QUINDIANO SAS has made of your personal data.

• Revoke at any time the authorization to include your personal data in the databases of EL QUINDIANO SAS.

• Request free access to your previously authorized personal data.

The person responsible for data processing is EL QUINDIANO SAS and as the person in charge of said treatment there may be third party service providers hired directly by EL QUINDIANO SAS, companies and individuals who may perform services on behalf of EL QUINDIANO SAS, such as: information processing , sending emails, e-marketing, cleaning databases and determining consumer preferences. EL QUINDIANO SAS and third-party service providers must process personal information within the scope and for the purposes included in this item, in accordance with the provisions of Law 1581 of 2012, Decree 1377 of 2013 and other regulatory decrees and standards. that modify them regarding the protection of personal data, and in accordance with this Privacy and Protection of Personal Data Policy. If a third party is entrusted with the processing of personal data, the reference to the identification data of these third parties to whom the processing is entrusted will be included.

For more information

The user can contact the email [email protected]or exercise the aforementioned rights, particularly to know, update, rectify, delete and revoke the authorization provided or request the deletion of my personal data, by writing directly to EL QUINDIANO SAS at the email: [email protected] or in writing to 10N 17-06 Barrio Providencia (Armenia-Quindío), indicating the subject “Processing of Personal Data” indicating the contact information to receive a response no later than within 10 business days following receipt, extendable for another 5 days, prior justification of the incident. If there is an unresolved claim, the registered personal data of the User or Client will be accompanied by the following legend: “Claim in Process”. The owner of the personal data may only file a complaint with the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce once the consultation or claim process has been exhausted before EL QUINDIANO SAS.

EL QUINDIANO SAS will store the User’s or Client’s information securely and, therefore, will take all precautionary measures to protect their information against adulteration, loss, queries, unauthorized or fraudulent use or access. The subcontractors and suppliers of EL QUINDIANO SAS who in one way or another access the personal data of Users due to a special assignment (processor) for information on promotions, news, products and services related to the events and editorial products published. and/or marketed by EL QUINDIANO SAS, are contractually obliged to keep such information confidential and may not use this information for any other purpose.

EL QUINDIANO SAS does not wish to collect personal data from minors under 18 years of age, unless they have the express authorization of their parents or legal guardians. We assume that minors have the authorization of their legal guardians to provide personal information. However, if parents or other legal guardian discover that children under their supervision have provided personal information to EL QUINDIANO SAS without their authorization, and wish to delete it, we request that they contact us and inform and instruct us immediately. .

The user will be responsible, in any case, for the veracity of the data provided, and EL QUINDIANO SAS reserves the right to exclude from the registered services any user who has provided false data, without prejudice to other actions that may be applicable by law.

EL QUINDIANO SAS may transfer Personal Identification Information as part of the assets of EL QUINDIANO SAS in the event that the Company or parts of the business are sold, merged or acquired by third parties.

This information processing policy is valid as of July 27, 2013. The validity of the database will be for the maximum term permitted by law.

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