A father needs help to pay for a complex surgical procedure for his daughter

A father needs help to pay for a complex surgical procedure for his daughter
A father needs help to pay for a complex surgical procedure for his daughter

Gabriel Luna, a single father from Rosario de la Frontera, needs the urgent collaboration of the community to be able to pay for a complex surgical intervention that his 12-year-old daughter must undergo.
The little girl was diagnosed with congenital scoliosis, a curvature that runs from side to side of the spine and is present at birth.
The surgery will be performed at the Maternal and Child Hospital for free, but the surgical supplies (from the Orthopedics of Salta capital) have a value of 7,750,0000 pesos and said budget is for one week, since it will increase as days go by.

Gabriel Luna, a single father from Rosario de la Frontera, needs the urgent collaboration of the community to be able to pay for a complex surgical intervention that his 12-year-old daughter must undergo.
The little girl was diagnosed with congenital scoliosis, a curvature that runs from side to side of the spine and is present at birth.
The surgery will be performed at the Maternal and Child Hospital for free, but the surgical supplies (from the Orthopedics of Salta capital) have a value of 7,750,0000 pesos and said budget is for one week, since it will increase as days go by.

“My daughter, Ana Gabriela, is 12 years old and recently had a lump on her back. We didn’t know what she had and we took her to the doctors here in Rosario de la Frontera. Dr. Pintos and Dr. Sosa saw her and they both saw her. doctors referred her to Salta,” Gabriel Luna recalled to El Tribuno.
“Once they referred her, they did multiple studies, MRIs, CT scans and other types of x-rays and there they diagnosed her as having congenital scoliosis, which comes from birth. This type of scoliosis does not present pain, which is something rare and that is why we never realized that she had this condition since she was born,” she said.

High complexity

The father detailed the highly complex surgery that his daughter will have to undergo so that she has a better quality of life in the future.
“They have to perform surgery that goes from the cervical to the coccyx and they have to remove three vertebrae to be able to straighten his spine. And in Acción Social de Salta, on the Maternal and Child side, they told me that the supplies are going to make it impossible for them to get them because the National Government is not sending the supplies due to the cuts that exist, so, I have to get them myself, that includes the chrome and titanium rods that go from end to end along the spine, precisely to be able to straighten it,” he noted.
In turn, he stressed that these supplies, “They cost a lot of money, we are talking about an amount of 7,750,000 pesos, which is from Magnus Orthopedics in Salta and another budget from Bio ArTec Orthopedics in Córdoba, of 8,712,000 pesos.
They told me that when I get the supplies, they will just give me the date for the surgery. Fortunately, the surgery is free and will be performed by the Maternal and Child spine specialists.”

It is worth remembering that Luna is a single father and is responsible for his two minor children, ages 10 and 12. In order to survive, he works doing “changas” in a mechanical workshop in Rosario de la Frontera. In addition, he receives a non-contributory pension for a spinal disability.
In that sense, he expressed; “I work in a workshop doing cleaning and on the side, I collect a pension because I have a spinal problem, so I try to take care of myself and not make too much effort since it is very bad for my health.”
To colaborate.
Those who can collaborate with the purchase of supplies must deposit to the following CBU; 01100445930044514585779, Alias; BenefitAnaGLuna
Finally, the father emphasized; “People who want to help me can do so by depositing the amount they can into my CBU account. I also thank everyone who is giving me a hand to be able to operate on my daughter.”


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