Interschools return to the City of Mendoza

Interschools return to the City of Mendoza
Interschools return to the City of Mendoza

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Photo: Municipality of Mendoza Press

They accompanied the head of the capital, the undersecretary of Sports of the province, Federico Chiapetta; the Physical Education coordinator of the DGE, Carina Ortega; the Secretary of the City Government, Pablo Espina; the director of Education of the City, Elvira Stone; the City Sports Director, Antonio Velasco and the director of the school José Vicente Zapata, Claudio Pena.

“Practicing sport is very good from a physical and mental point of view”

In the aforementioned educational establishment, José Vicente Zapata, the final of the internal futsal tournament was played between the last years, 4th and 5th Sixth. From this match, they were champions of the 4th year internal school league, a team that later played a friendly match with students from the Pablo Nogués school. The boys had fun and took photos with the mayor, who congratulated them for playing sports, but above all, he thanked them for imposing so much enthusiasm on the new municipal initiative of the interschool league..

In that sense, Mayor Ulpiano Suarez explained the relevance of announcing this project that will once again take place in the City thanks to the effort and commitment of the commune, the province and the schools, which is why he highlighted: “I want call on all schools to prepare to enjoy these intercollegiate events that are very important for the boys and girls of Mendoza. We are convinced that Practicing sports is very good, not only from a physical point of view, but also mentally.. Emotions, learning, teamwork, effort, cooperation are exercised and this happens daily in each and every one of the municipal spaces, which is why we want the different secondary schools in the City to participate and that children have the possibility of finding themselves in what is a competition, but fundamentally an opportunity to meet through sport and with these healthy habits and practices so important”.

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Photo: Municipality of Mendoza Press

And he added: “I also appreciate the support of professionals, but above all holding these types of events to share, beyond the result. Besides, there will be important prizes for those schools that participate, which will cause a great movement in the City that will culminate with student day. The City is going to be celebrating with the intercollegiate students.”

For its part, Federico Chiapettaexpressed: “The Municipality of Mendoza He has been able to read the needs of schools and the connection with sport that has grown a lot. This demand from students has generated a proposal that complements the program we have in the province, school games. The idea is to achieve what we all want, which the boys continue to be involved in sport and that it continues as long as possible, mainly in schools. This is how the objective is met, we see it in the happiness of the children, in the joy they express when seeing their expectations fulfilled and, in this way, ours.”

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Photo: Municipality of Mendoza Press

How to register to participate in intercollegiate games in the City of Mendoza

The registration form will be available starting next week and they will take place from June 27 to August 5along with the submission of lists in good faith.

On the other hand, the beginning of the core group stage by proximity will take place starting August 16. In this regard, the Municipality of the City of Mendoza has developed a calendar of meetings that will be complemented with specific learning developed in the school environment and in terms of organization, different institutions will intervene that will coordinate actions to achieve the best results.

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Photo: Municipality of Mendoza Press

Likewise, regarding the games that will be held, there will be teams of futsal, basketball, volleyball and dance groups. All of these will be awarded with participation medals. The Winners (1st and 2nd) will be awarded with a trophy per team and a bag of sports materials only for 1st place.. Regarding the spaces chosen for the development of the event, they will be the municipal gymnasiums and those schools that offer their facilities for the development of the same.

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