The most wanted: how much do you get onions, carrots and potatoes at the Neuquén Concentrator Market

Some Fruit and vegetable prices increased considerably in Neuquén due to frost. The manager of the Mercado Concentrador, Diego Molina, told BLACK RIVER RADIO that the Products that increased the most are tomatoes and bell peppers, which tripled their price in just two weeks.. Customers daily They look for onion, carrot and potato, hence He told how much you can get.

Listen to Diego Molina on RÍO NEGRO RADIO

Many choose to buy food at the Mercado Concentrador due to the price and quantity difference. However, the frost and lack of production complicated customers and according to Molina, tomatoes and bell peppers “tripled their price in two weeks.”

Molina assured that «you will get everything fresher and cheaper in the Concentrator Market. He said he recommends looking for “seasonal fruits, pumpkin, potatoes and onion». «If you want to indulge yourself, «there are also banana, strawberry and avocado.

The manager gave updated prices for some vegetables and fruits:

dad: 8500 pesos

black potato: 6000 pesos

Eggplant: 25 thousand pesos

carrot: 6500 pesos for a 10 kilo bag.

banana: 20 thousand pesos

avocado: 35 thousand pesos per box

Red Apple: 15 thousand pesos

green apple: 20 thousand pesos

plum tomato: 46 thousand pesos

round tomato: 55 thousand pesos

Finally, Molina commented on the schedules. He Concentrator Market this located on Route 7, at kilometer 5 of the Centenario Industrial Park. This Open on Mondays from six to 11. And of Tuesday to Friday from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.while the It is closed on weekends. It has all the enabled payment methods.

Tune in to RÍO NEGRO RADIO. Listen to us on FM 90.9 from Neuquén, on FM 91.9 from Roca, on or on our App (here for Android, here for iOS).

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