UV Territory delivers academic offerings and services to the San Antonio community

UV Territory delivers academic offerings and services to the San Antonio community
UV Territory delivers academic offerings and services to the San Antonio community

Talks, information stands and service attention will be offered this Friday, May 24, version of Territorio UV, which on this occasion will be installed on the esplanade in front of the headquarters of the Provincial Presidential Delegation, Ramón Barros Luco Avenue 1960, in San Antonio. The invitation to attend is open to the entire local community, both to publicize the academic offer of the university, as well as to provide health, legal, support services for SMEs, healthy food and the environment, among others.

Territorio UV will begin its activity at 10:30 a.m., to continue until 2:00 p.m., and will feature the participation of various courses taught by the university, as well as the publishing house, the Human Reproduction Clinic, Fablab and Gerópolis Center.

The rector of the University of Valparaíso, Osvaldo Corrales, highlighted the link that the institution has with San Antonio, focused on opening a campus in that province: “We have started a campaign to expand our territorial scope, which we have called UV Territory, which aims to bring not only our academic offer, but also a set of services to provinces and localities where we are not usually present, and on this occasion we are doing it in the province of San Antonio, a province with which today we share a dream: that there be an offer of public university education in San Antonio.”

He added that “the University is committed to that dream; We have continued working with the authorities, but also with social organizations, to ensure that this desire materializes in the coming years, which also seeks to correct a territorial inequality, because San Antonio is the only province, the only territory that is south of the region, which does not have a university higher education offer. We want to be the university that sets up a campus in San Antonio. That is why this activity that we carried out this Friday, UV Territory, has such special value for us.”

UV Territory is co-organized with the Provincial Presidential Delegation, headed by Caroline Sireau, who invited the residents of San Antonio to attend the activity: “In this instance we will have 23 stands from the University of Valparaíso that will allow access both legal and medical information, and guidance mainly aimed at the elderly in our province, to be able to live a healthy, safe older adulthood, and that is why we want to invite all of you to participate.”

He added that “in addition, there will be a series of talks on various topics, which cover marine biology, medical topics and other topics that will be very important for the neighbors to know about and participate in. Several stands from the province will also be participating, with public services that are mainly aimed at older people. So we invite you to join this activity, older people and young people who want to come and see the stands to disseminate the careers that the University of Valparaíso has, and the entire population that is interested in participating in this important and significant activity are invited. in our province. “We are waiting for you.”

For his part, Sergio Alarcón, president of the Education Development Committee of the province of San Antonio and the Christmas commune, COPDE, extended the invitation “to the entire community of the province of San Antonio and also of Navidad, because This Friday, from ten in the morning until approximately 2:00 p.m., the UV Territory will take place in San Antonio, an event of the University of Valparaíso in which there will be different stands where you can make inquiries about the courses that the University currently offers and those that could be offered in the province of San Antonio once we manage to get this public and state university established here in San Antonio.”

He highlighted that “this is going to be in the Plaza de Barrancas, in front of the School Group, where there will be stands where you can ask your questions about medical, legal, and senior adult issues, there will be many conversations, many talks; It is going to be a very nice event that is rarely held in San Antonio, so we invite you to come this Friday and we can learn more about what the great University of Valparaíso is. We invite young people, second, third, and fourth grade students, to come and clear any doubts they may have. It is a great opportunity that we have for them to study here close to their homes and not have to leave for other regions; It is an open invitation for you to attend, we are going to receive you with great affection and giving you all the information you need for what a university degree is.”

UV Territory is an initiative designed and promoted by the Vice-Rector’s Office for Links with the Environment of the university, aimed at bringing the institution closer to people and generating significant contributions for them and for the development of the communities to which they belong, whose contexts territorial and social conditions often make access to this type of benefits difficult or impossible.

The complete Territorio UV San Antonio program is available here.

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