Minvu invested 381 billion pesos in the Valparaíso region during 2023 – Radio Festival

Minvu invested 381 billion pesos in the Valparaíso region during 2023 – Radio Festival
Minvu invested 381 billion pesos in the Valparaíso region during 2023 – Radio Festival

Through institutional social networks, Seremi Minvu, Belén Paredes Canales, and the regional director of Serviu, Rodrigo Uribe Barahona, They carried out a complete assessment of the main axes of their 2023 management in terms of housing, urban planning, citizen participation, reconstruction and budget execution.

The 2024 Public Account of the Minvu in the Valparaíso region highlighted the large investment in housing, urban works, disaster management, reconstruction and internal management, which reached 381 thousand 904 million 242 thousand pesos, with a budget execution of 99.3% .

The report and audiovisual production presented on the Serviu website (serviuvalpo.cl) and on the social networks of the seremi (@minvuvalparaiso) and the service (@serviuvalpo), in its main axes addresses the Housing Emergency Plan, which It translates into almost 12 thousand completed homes and more than 22 thousand under construction.

In that sense, the Seremi Paredes, added that “The goal of the Government of President Gabriel Boric for the Valparaíso region is to reach 31,246 homes delivered by 2026, which is why our teams are working to expedite and unblock housing projects in all provinces and also in the island territory. Today the region has 34,343 homes under development, of which 11,913 are completed, 14,360 are in progress and 8,70 are yet to start. As we have made known in our public account, these are high-standard projects, with access to services and public spaces.”

Regarding urban development, the regional director of Serviupointed out that “In the region, our Ministry is building Just Cities with territorial planning, with innovation in designs, land management and public spaces with a gender and care focus. We have executed health infrastructure projects, parks, pavements, public spaces in neighborhoods, among others, with an investment amount that exceeds M$34,683,206, highlighting works such as Parque Lúdico Estero Quilpué in San Felipe, Tomás Ramos Street in Valparaíso, Plaza Barrancas in San Antonio and Urban Portal in Quillota. In all these works we have worked together with communities and social organizations. Likewise, we have promoted citizen participation, as a region in 2023 we attended a total of 39,335 citizen consultations and developed various participatory instances such as dialogues, COSOC sessions, talks and focused meetings on housing and urban works., Uribe specified.


The Valparaíso region has been affected by major accidents that have claimed lives, homes and entire neighborhoods, which has led Minvu to address various reconstruction processes through its technical and social teams. The Minvu Public Account mentions, in detail, the progress of the reconstructions during 2023.

In the case of Valparaíso, the 2014 megafire presents great progress. The “El Vergel” housing project, for 76 families on Cerro La Cruz, is the only one pending. Regarding the 2019 incident, in the same commune, there is 61% progress in housing.

Meanwhile, regarding the reconstruction of Viña del Mar following the 2022 fire, there are 208 subsidies delivered, which include urban works in development and the installation of industrialized housing.

Regarding the last megafire in 2024, which affected Viña del Mar, Quilpué and Villa Alemana, the report delivered by the authorities refers to the innovation and speed in the application of the cadastre, the deployment of technical and social teams in the territory to analyze and evaluate possible housing solutions for those affected, and the reconstruction of neighborhoods and public spaces. It also accounts for the focused work of the regional and national authorities of the portfolio in the territory together with the affected communities. Added to this is the delivery of 80 subsidies, the start of the fitting out of 4 industrialized homes in the Manuel Bustos camp in Viña del Mar and the delivery of 10 Social Integration homes in Limache.

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