They urge not to fall into provocations during election day in Tének and Náhuatl communities – Astrolabio

They urge not to fall into provocations during election day in Tének and Náhuatl communities – Astrolabio
They urge not to fall into provocations during election day in Tének and Náhuatl communities – Astrolabio

Estela Ambriz Delgado

After various acts of violence in Tenek and Nahuatl communities of the Huasteca Potosinahe Mesoamerican Indigenous Observatory He urged the indigenous population to avoid responding to the provocations of groups that seek to restrict and intimidate voting in the communities.

In addition, he called on the ejidal and communal authorities to provide all the facilities at their disposal, so that the polling stations are installed and the election is carried out peacefully and in complete freedom.

Through a statement, the organization indicated that in various municipalities in the Huasteca area, acts of violence have occurred that generate uncertainty and fear to exercise the political-electoral rights of the Tének and Náhuatl communities, as in the case of Piaxtlain the municipality of Tancanhuitzwhere a group of armed individuals broke in and caused injuries to some residents, as well as damage to vehicles in the early hours of Saturday, June 1.

Likewise, they report that a young indigenous man is currently missing and there are fears for his safety, in addition to the fact that in Piaxtla the armed group among eight and 10 trucks left two Tének indigenous settlers who “lifted up” from another community, so as a result of these events, elements of the Secretary of National Defense (Sedena).

Given these circumstances, the various indigenous representations of the IOM urged indigenous citizens to remain calm, proceed with the corresponding complaints, and avoid responding to provocations and acts of violence by groups that seek to restrict and intimidate voting in the communities.

Likewise, they recommended that the ejidal, communal and community authorities provide all the facilities at their disposal so that the polling stations can be installed and the election can be carried out peacefully and in complete freedom, being impartial and respectful of the shapes.

The IOM also recalled that due to this type of behavior of people who appropriate political parties and who try to take over municipal power, they insisted on promoting an election through indigenous uses and customs, and no longer through the electoral system. political parties.

In this sense, it was noted that next year a consultation will be held to modify the State Electoral Lawand it will be necessary to remember this violent political behavior that does so much damage to indigenous communities, in addition to the fact that the State Electoral Council and Citizen Participation (Ceepac) is in non-compliance with court rulings that require it to consult the communities of Tanlajás, Tancanhuitz and San Antonio, to transition from the political party system to the election system based on customs and traditions.

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