VIDEO. Salteños marched for harsher sentences in cases of animal abuse

VIDEO. Salteños marched for harsher sentences in cases of animal abuse
VIDEO. Salteños marched for harsher sentences in cases of animal abuse

At the international level, today a call was made to requestr harsher sentences in cases of animal abuse. Salta joined this movement, and the rally was held at the Güemes monument.

At the international level, today a call was made to requestr harsher sentences in cases of animal abuse. Salta joined this movement, and the rally was held at the Güemes monument.

In dialogue with El Tribuno, Analía Arias, lawyer and animal activist, explained that this call took place in 11 countries, and was a call from the University of Buenos Aires. “The demand at the national level is the reform of the Law 14346demanding the most severe penalties in cases of animal abuse and cruelty,” said Arias.

The lawyer highlighted that cases of animal abuse are not reported in most cases, and this legislation, “which is more than 50 years old,” has a lot to do with it. Arias reiterated that the central request is to add new types of crimes and more severe penalties, since currently and according to current law, the sentence is from 15 days to one year, at most.

What the law says

According to standard 14346, article 2, highlights that “acts of abuse will be considered: 1° Not feeding domestic or captive animals in sufficient quantity and quality. 2° Urging them to work using instruments that, not being a simple stimulus, cause unnecessary punishment or painful sensations.


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