The woman, the videos and the cars behind the violent takeovers of the National University and their links with armed men

“Walks supported on a cane and carries a backpack full of silver. She is 40 years old, she has a thick build and long brown hair.”.

(We invite you to read: The devastating sentence against notable members of the ‘front line’ who attacked Bogotá in the social outbreak).

That is the description of a woman who has been photographed entering the buildings of the National University of Colombia, in Bogotá, in the midst of strong riots that have been recorded in the last two months after the change in the rectorship of the alma mater, a convulsive election that even had to be ratified this week judicially through a tutela action.

Videos and plates

This is the woman who has been photographed entering several buildings of the National University.

Photo:Private file

The same woman appears in security camera videos giving money to hooded men who are located at the campus entrances. with Molotov cocktails and even machetes to confront the Police.

This is stated in a report to which This newspaper had access, in which detailed data is provided on the infiltration of illegal groups in the National, which is already in the hands of authorities.

(You may be interested in: UNGRD: the ‘exchange’ offered by the tank truck businessman in exchange for his wife and daughter being removed from the case).

The 126 hectares of the institution are infiltrated by a group of at least 20 people who walk around the campus hooded and enter buildings with blunt weapons. There is evidence that security members have been attacked National and external security forces in their attempt to take over the Uriel Gutiérrez building, where the rectory is located, to exercise control,” an official who participated in the preparation of the report told this newspaper.

Elene bracelets

The hooded men patrol the campus intimidating students.


EL TIEMPO investigated and established that, in fact, Bogotá authorities have photos of external personnel arriving at the campus shortly before the attacks break out. Also, a list of car license plates, two of them high-endof those who download material in bags for the hooded.

(Also: The new audio sections that have the health reform pilot plan and Minister Jaramillo in check).

In addition, there is a video of them destroying a Police patrol with fire extinguishers stolen from the National Police, and beating a uniformed man on his head with a motorcycle helmet. With those same extinguishers they were recorded attacking security personnel.

Security personnel are attacked with the same fire extinguishers that were thrown at police officers.


“We are going to ask that, based on videos and photos, they be identified so that they can answer for the vandalism and attacks on members of the Police. Molotov cocktails can kill a person,” said the same source.

(You may be interested in: The meeting in Mininterior with Mexicans to talk about the juicy passport business that they ask to investigate).

And he recalled that this week a 19-year sentence – for terrorism and other crimes – was ratified against several people who participated in the so-called social outbreak.for behaviors similar to those that are beginning to occur on the National campus.

The hooded men attacked a patrol car and a police officer with fire extinguishers and helmets.


The stock cars

EL TIEMPO had access to the report and the list of identified license plates. And although one of these was ruled out outright, for belonging to the Personería of Bogotá (which accompanies the security changes), another is linked to a Chevrolet Spark car that belongs to a foundation board.

The Ombudsman reported that several students They reported the presence of some valuables cars from which people had gotten out to take photos.

(Also: Bribery and leak of information behind the murder of the director of La Modelo prison is being investigated).

The authorities also verify a series of photos of the patrols that hooded subjects – wearing scarves and bracelets alluding to the Eln – They constantly walk around the campus, intimidating students and transporting material in garbage containers and in backpacks that they hide under jackets that they steal from security guards.

The patrols that the hooded men do at the university.

Photo:Private file

The assembly of the Historical Pact

This was the publication of the Historical Pact on the assembly.


We reject and denounce once again the direct attacks against fellow workers of the Surveillance and Security Division of the National University, and private surveillance respectively, in the events of May 29, which compromise their physical integrity. Those who have turned the campus into a territory of aggression and violence have no justification“, reads a statement from Sintraunicol, one of the employee unions, including security guards.

In addition to the fear that 57 thousand students will miss the semester and 8 thousand cannot take advantage of the available places, due to these confrontations, the other concern is that no one can guarantee the security of the campus today.

(It may be of interest to you: Daughter of a powerful capo who emulated Pablo Escobar published the photo for which he was captured).

For this reason, a sector of the university is struck by the fact that members of the Historical Pact are announcing that they are going to make their National Assembly, where they will address several topics, including the debate on the constituent process convened by President Petro.

Historical Pact Bench.

Photo:Private file

‘Let’s ask permission’

Gabriel Becerra, representative to the Chamber.

Photo:Gabriel Becerra

Officially, At the National they reported that some professors have raised the issue of the Historical Pact assembly with the vice-rector’s office, but they said that there is no formal request to provide the facilities for the political event.

The facilities have been used for educational events and social organizations. But it is not within its mission to host political events.“explained the same source.

(We invite you to read: The eccentricities and luxury vans of the foreigner shot in Valledupar).

EL TIEMPO contacted Congressman Gabriel Becerra, one of the organizers of the assembly, who noted that initially the event was scheduled for this week and had spoken with the vice chancellor’s office: “Initially they said no. Then, they agreed to collaborate. Since it happened in July, we are going to have to talk to the university again”.

‘Under pressure’

This week a university security motorcycle was vandalized.

This week a university security motorcycle was vandalized.


About the riots, He said that it is something that has always occurred in the National, but that the Pact rejects all these acts of violence and aggression: “We hope that by July they will no longer be presenting”.

And he reiterated that among the topics to be discussed in the assembly are social reforms and the constituent process: “For the President it is allowing people to express themselves. There is nothing hidden”.

(See all the articles from the EL TIEMPO Investigative Unit here).

But internal attacks have been escalating. On May 29, they burned one of the security guards’ motorcycles inside the campus.

For this reason, it is being asked that the authorities begin to identify and prosecute the violent people who even manage to attack Carreta 30 and Calle 26 every week and who would prevent any event (including classes) from taking place freely and without pressure.

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