Elections 2024: minute by minute of the election day in SLP – El Sol de San Luis

Elections 2024: minute by minute of the election day in SLP – El Sol de San Luis
Elections 2024: minute by minute of the election day in SLP – El Sol de San Luis

They call 2.1 million Potosinos to the polls

  • SLP lives historic election day
  • Polls open at 8 am; 27 deputies and 58 town councils will be elected

Raymundo Rocha / El Sol de San Luis

On the largest and most important election day in history, in San Luis Potosí, 2,185,460 citizens who make up the Nominal List are called to vote this Sunday, June 2, for which they will be available 3,906 boxes of which 1,827 are basic, 1,895 contiguous, 156 extraordinary and 29 special.

The State Electoral and Citizen Participation Council (CEEPAC) will open the day with an installation session at 6:30 in the morning, in this concurrent election where the President of the Republic, three senators of the Republic and seven federal deputies of the Republic will also be elected. most.

In the case of the local election, the following will be elected: 27 local councils that will make up the LXIV Legislature of the State Congress for the period 2024-2027, (15 with a relative majority and 12 with proportional representation). 58 town councils for the period 2024-2027, made up of 58 relative majority councils, 64 councils and 387 proportional representation councils.

Candidates from 11 political parties will participate: PAN, PRI, PRD, PVEM, PT, Popular Conscience, Citizen Movement, MORENA, New Alliance, Labor Movement and Social Meeting.

According to a reform to the State Electoral Law approved in the State Congress, the start of the electoral process was postponed from October 1, 2023 to January 1, 2024. In the case of municipal presidents and local deputies it was reduced by 60 days to 40 days the campaign. The figure of party alliances was eliminated; The threshold of valid voting obtained to achieve a multi-member deputation was increased to 3.7% and it was established that starting with this election, there will always be an indigenous person as a representative.

Citizen participation in previous electoral processes was:

  • 2000 61.77% (provinces and city councils)
  • 2006 59.33% (provinces and city councils)
  • 2012 62.72% (provinces and city councils)
  • 2018 62.58% (provinces and city councils)
  • 2021 52.5% (there was also a governor election)

The district capitals such as Soledad de Graciano Sánchez, Matehuala, Rioverde, Ciudad Valles and Tamazunchale, together have 541,113 citizens with voter credentials; Not all of them together reach the capital.

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