They reopened the Sports and Recreation Center No. 5 at the Manantiales Sur School

They reopened the Sports and Recreation Center No. 5 at the Manantiales Sur School
They reopened the Sports and Recreation Center No. 5 at the Manantiales Sur School

In the facilities of the Manantiales Sur School of the Capital, the Ministry of Education, through its Directorate of Sports and Physical Education, carried out the reopening of the Sports and Recreation Center No. 5.

The event was headed by the director of Sports and Physical Education, Aldana Otero; the director of the Sports and Recreation Center No. 5, Andres Lamoglia; teachers and technical teams, directors of the eight centers in the province, families and students in the area. In addition, a historical book was delivered to the center; and the musical presentation, with its drums, by the group “Legüeros Tucumán”.

The center, which already has 100 registered, will operate on Wednesdays from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.; and on Saturdays from 9:00 to 12:00; and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. It is a fundamental space for the comprehensive development of children, adolescents and the community. The space offers a range of free activities for all ages and levels, as well as physical activities, health education programs, nutrition and well-being. The initiative seeks to build relationships, teach values ​​such as discipline, teamwork and respect; and inclusion through a variety of leisure and entertainment options, including sports, games, outdoor activities, cultural events, among others.

Regarding the reopening, the director of Sports and Physical Education, Aldana Otero, told her feelings: “Very happy, there was great work to be able to reopen the Sports and Recreation Center No. 5 here at the Manantiales Sur School, not only happy for the reopening, but for the joy of the community, of the activities that we are proposing, both recreational and recreational and sports. We had a great turnout, I want to thank the school director, who opened the doors to us, made her school and her staff available so that we can serve the community.”

To its turn, Andres Lamoglia, in charge of the management of Center No. 5, explained: “It is a very great joy for me, I will always be grateful to the Sports and Physical Education Directorate, which has accompanied us to be able to reopen. We also have to thank the director of the Manantiales Sur Primary School, Mrs. Ramona Núñez, who received us, and the director of the Manantiales Sur secondary school, Mrs. Florencia Vicente, who also received us so that we can all be together today.” Regarding the center’s task, the teacher said: “At the center we do sports initiation, the children come to learn to play different sports, we have a kindergarten teacher, an art teacher and a music teacher, so that the kids can rotate through different playful activities. The registrations exceeded our expectations, we are very happy because the kids are coming.”

Finally, the teacher from Center N°5, Aldana Nazar, closed: “We carry out both sports and recreational and recreational activities, in this case we put together plans and we are looking at addressing different activities. I really like the traditional games part, they can be applied to all ages and we plan around that.”

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