The Mendocinos of Congress, confronted before this Tuesday’s mega session in Deputies

The Mendocinos of Congress, confronted before this Tuesday’s mega session in Deputies
The Mendocinos of Congress, confronted before this Tuesday’s mega session in Deputies

What happened was that, although the two forces proposed a reparation of those funds (the radicals asking that it be changed for a new one and the Peronists requesting its extension for five more years); The centennial party added one more element to its ruling and this ended up being decisive: they asked that, at the same time, A minimum teaching staff is required to guarantee schooling during strike days. A 30% in 24-hour strikes, fifty% if it is 48 hours and 75% if it exceeds five days. “They did it on purpose because they know that There is no way for the PJ to come close to voting for that,” is one of the criticisms that flew over.

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Arrieta, Llano and Correa Llano, three of Mendoza’s libertarians in Congress.

The people of Mendoza are involved in that fight: the Justicialists Adolfo Bermejo, Liliana Paponet and Martín Aveiro will support the ideas of their party and – it is expected – Lisandro Nieri, Pamela Verasay and Julio Cobos They will do the same with the double request of radicalism. The four libertarians (Álvaro Martínez, Facundo Correa Llano, Lourdes Arrieta and Mercedes Llano), They have already decided to rally around the rejection letter signed by their bench colleagues. Although before that they are going to speculate that the opposition – partly due to its divisions – does not not even get a quorum to meet in the two calls there are: one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

Specifically, his position was established in the words of Alejandro Finocchiaro (PRO), who chairs the Education Commission. He asked not to meet yet and start studying the matter in depth. He assured that paying this again would imply 1.1 billion pesos to the State coffers. The Mendoza mileistas say that it can even come close to 1.4 billion. “We legislate irresponsibly, not knowing how much the projects we present cost”, he threw at his colleagues. The PRO is the second arm of Milei in the Lower House.

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Peronism needs the UCR to provide a quorum

There are two special sessions that are called and They will address the three topics mentioned. Radicalism asked for the 11 in the morning and it only includes retirements. Unión por la Patria requested the 14, which includes FONID and universities. Regarding the budget of the Study Houses, there is a lot of agreement between the UxP, UCR and Hacemos Coalión Federal offices. (these last two presented a joint project).

La Libertad Avanza, for its part, only incorporated an opinion that is coupled with the increases that the Executive already promised to the rectors last Monday: 270% in the coming days that would contemplate the inflationary increases in 2023 and so far in 2024.

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Bermejo and Aveiro, Peronists in Congress.

“The State has been complying with the financing and even increasing it. We are convinced that expenses must be audited, establishing accurate parameters for how it is financed and evaluating the way in which it is spent. Basicallyput an end to the jobs and political funds of the universities. “That the resources of all Argentines go to public education and not to finance people who use education to do politics,” said the deputy. Álvaro Martínez, from LLA.

“The increase has already been established and agreed upon. And as for FONID, we propose to base our rejection on two aspects: he financial, because they are figures that cannot be met without compromising the balance of the accounts; and then the legal“It is legally incorrect to ask that the Nation pay for it, when the provinces must take care of it,” added the other official representative from Mendoza, Facundo Correa Llano.

For its part, the Peronist Martín Aveiro showed his difference with this issue: “Clearly what needs to be done is that University funding stops depending on how the President’s dogs wake up, of your state of mind. It cannot be a negotiating tool to tighten or buying votes in Congress. That politics, beyond its opinions, cannot break the Argentine educational structure,” he told Diario UNO.

From radicalism They only dedicated themselves to saying that the session comes with many mysteries for now. “We cannot guarantee that there is a quorum and the truth is that we are only going to know tomorrow,” they answered in voiceover when asked by this media. For the three issues the party made its own opinions, coordinated under the leadership of the Cordoban Rodrigo De Loredo on the premmises. “The rectors are already negotiatingso we no longer have anything to do in that sense.”

UNWhose university march

The April university march asking for more resources.

That way, In Peronism there is fear that the same thing will happen to them as a month ago, cWhen they wanted to discuss retirement mobility and universities and They were only five deputies short of reaching the minimum floor. At that time, the radicals who joined were 14.

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Retirement mobility

Retirements is the first topic that would be discussed this Tuesday, in the morning session. Also on this topic there is five opinions different, which were made official on May 15 in the Social Security and Budget commissions. The UCR goes together with We Make the Federal Coalition, Peronism on its own and LLA also arrives alone, supporting an office that what it does is propose its conformity with the current system: that is, with pensions being raised by the decree from Milei from two months ago.

Radicalism what it asks is the 8% splice: It implies that to the 12.5% ​​that the ruling party considered for the month of January, eight points are added that equal thel 20.6% that actually marked the CPI for that month. “We are fighting for a recomposition of pensions, but responsible and reasonable based on the growth of the economy,” he said. Lisandro Nieri, of radicalism.

“In retirement we understand that our proposals are superior, because they put an end to the disastrous formula that Kirchnerism established and that made retirees always lose against inflation. We come to correct that and also with something that is fundamental: a proposal that is not demagogic, but that the State can comply. And on top of that, it guarantees the retiree that he will never lose against inflation again,” he noted. Martínez, from La Libertad Avanza.

He peronismwho is the one who requested the special afternoon session, will bring together its entire interblock this Monday at 6:00 p.m.

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