An award for people who are worth it

Monday, June 3, 2024, 16:59

| Updated 6:05 p.m.

A load of humanity, of solidarity conviction and altruism, of giving everything without thinking, without doubts, just because. This Monday, the Institutional Winery of La Grajera has brought together a bunch of people who shine without meaning to, people who are worth it… And a lot.

Diego Requeijo Carballal, Sergio Casas García, Luis Ángel Palencia De La Fuente, Carlos Domarco Conde, Isaac Zárate Angulo, Mario Velasco Rincón, Francisco Espejo Roldán, Edison Orlando Benítez Mejía, Antonio Segur Alviz, Ana Sáenz de Pipaón Soba and Francisco José Caparroso Hernani …Eleven people, almost all of them anonymous heroes, who from today wear the Civil Protection Medal of Merit on their chest, a decoration created by the Government of Spain to distinguish those people who “have carried out singular actions that involve notorious risk or exceptional solidarity; a unique collaboration with the competent authorities; altruistic cooperation in actions of technical, pedagogical, research, economic or social purposes; as well as continued and relevant actions of interest to civil protection.

«You represent the best of our society, you are a benchmark of commitment, work and solidarity, the majority of you have put your lives at risk to save those of others; Therefore, thank you very much for being there when you are needed most,” Virginia Barcones, general director of Civil Protection, opened the event before calling the 2023 winners to the stage for the presentation of the awards by the delegate of the Government of Spain in La Rioja, Beatriz Arraiz; the head of the regional Executive, Gonzalo Capellán; and the Minister of Health and Social Policies, María Martín.

The first to take the stand were eight civil guards from the Cenicero and San Asensio posts who on June 21 of last year did not wait for orders to get to work and give everything in favor of the residents of Huércanos, Uruñuela and Cenicero , the towns hit that day by a huge storm, with rainfall of up to 90 liters per square meter in less than an hour. The authorities have awarded the Medal of Merit for Civil Protection in its bronze category and blue badge (a color that recognizes collaboration, while red is intended for heroism or solidarity and white is for cooperation) to Diego Requeijo Carballal, Sergio Casas García, Luis Ángel Palencia De La Fuente, Carlos Domarco Conde, Isaac Zárate Angulo, Mario Velasco Rincón, Francisco Espejo Roldán and Edison Orlando Benítez Mejía. The latter, a sergeant, has pointed out that “those present here fulfilled the distinctions of our institution, without expecting anything in return other than the satisfaction of the duty fulfilled.”

The medal was then awarded to the member of the Canine Rescue Unit of La Rioja Francisco José Caparroso Hernani, who was not accompanied on stage by his faithful companion ‘Argui’. “I didn’t expect it, I’m a street volunteer,” said the rescue specialist, who in addition to humanitarian missions in areas devastated by natural disasters, such as the earthquakes in Morocco and Turkey, collaborates with SOS Rioja 112 together with his group in the search for missing people in the community, with an average of two monthly services. “When there is an emergency we have to put egos aside and all work together,” ‘Capa’ defended.

Awardees and authorities.

Juan Marin

At 31 years old, Ana Sáenz de Pipaón has filled pages for her sporting successes as an elite soccer player, but also for her humanitarian work. She hung up her boots to put on her doctor’s coat and save lives in the Covid pandemic and, with the NGO Rescuebike, she has been in Kharkiv, Ukraine, to bring humanitarian material and train military personnel in the area in health care. “I have had several opportunities to act in emergency situations and these moments have underlined the importance of always being prepared to help and each intervention has been a lesson in humanity,” highlighted the honoree.

“I think I don’t deserve it, I have done what I had to do, without further ado,” said Antonio Segur Alviz, the civil guard who on October 3 of last year saved the life of a person who suffered that day a heart attack at the Logroño Courthouse, where the agent was on duty.

After the presentation of the decorations, the Government delegate in La Rioja, Beatriz Arraiz, highlighted that “this act allows us to make exceptional people visible, they enhance us all as a society and represent the best values ​​of our land. We are enormously proud of its principles. La Rioja is overflowing with exceptional people and it is a pride to know that we are in good hands. Finally, the president of the Government of La Rioja, Gonzalo Capellán, after pointing out that “solidarity and unity know no borders” has defended that “solidarity is moved by ethics, by the moral duty that moves each of us without waiting. nothing in return, the ethics of good for the mere fact of doing good.

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