What did the National Government say about the removal of the subsidy to Mendoza?

“It is under evaluation”, Adorni assured regarding the continuity or not of the Cold Zone. And he assured that “the world does not end with the Bases Law.” “Everything that is not incorporated will continue to be discussed,” Adorni said.


What is the Cold Zone, the subsidy regime that benefits the Province of Mendoza?

In the province of Mendozaas well as in other jurisdictions, the alarm was raised by some paragraphs of the recitals of the decree that bears the signature of Javier Milei, in which reference is made to the need to modify the Cold Zone Regime, which could even lead to its elimination.

Although this idea of ​​the ruling party had already been considered in the first version of the omnibus lawfinally due to complaints from the legislators of the beneficiary provinces, The Executive decided to eliminate that article from the drafting of the project.

The president reviews the Law that created this benefit (No. 25,565) and the one that expanded it (No. 27,637), which is financed with the Trust Fund for Residential Gas Consumption Subsidies and provides discounts of between 30 and 50 percent on the gas bill for residential users in areas considered meteorologically colder. Between them The 18 departments of Mendoza are included.

“Since then (since the implementation of the Regime) Different energy consumption subsidy schemes continued and overlapped, which seriously compromised the financial situation of the National State. and the conditions of provision and quality of the public services involved,” states the Milei decree.

Likewise, it questions that the Single Registry of special beneficiaries of the Cold Zone “does not establish any limit on the consumption to be subsidizedcovering more than half of the country and including in the regime areas classified as warm (for example the city of Rosario).”

According to the president, the establishment of the regime has caused “an excess of consumption valued in 479.6 million US dollarstaking the subsidy granted in the invoice for the period from January 2016 to January 2024”


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