A university in Mendoza will present an innovative scholarship program

An outstanding event aimed at businessmen and provincial leaders will take place next Saturday, June 8 at Casa David Wine&Horses. On this occasion, the Maza Universityan institution of great prestige and track record in province of Mendozawill present an innovative program of scholarships designed to help young people who want to study a career, a trade or finish their secondary education, but who lack financial resources.

The situation of thousands of young people in Argentina is alarming; Many cannot start or continue their studies due to the lack of possibilities to pay the monthly fees, a situation aggravated by the current crisis. Although universities offer scholarships, they cannot satisfy the high demand, which forces them to look for benefactors. An example of this is the Torcuato Di Tella University, where 58% of the student body receives help in scholarships coming from the private sector.

Maza University already grants scholarships to more than 400 students. Photo: Freepik.

Faced with this panorama, the Maza University proposes a collaboration model between companies and the university. The institution’s rector, Daniel Miranda, described it as a significant institutional milestone. “It is the first time that the university presents its Institutional Development Program to businessmen of Mendoza. We look for allies and collaborators from the business sector and society in general to develop educational programs, such as scholarships for students, technological investments and for research, among others,” he stated. Miranda also highlighted the territorialization process begun 10 years ago, which allowed the opening of offices in different regions of the province to avoid the uprooting of young people. However, the fragile The economic situation of many students continues to be an obstacle to accessing education.

Currently, the Maza University has a program Scholarships which benefits 410 young people, selected based on their academic performance, socioeconomic status and personal values. In addition, the university has a Trades Center that offers courses with high job demand.

Maza University. Photo: MDZ Archive.

Laura Horta, director of the Institutional Development Program, stressed the importance of education to build an equitable and inclusive society. “Education is crucial so that people can become professionals and generate a positive impact on society. We all need help at some point in our lives, and this program seeks to enable many young people to fulfill their dream of being professionals or having a job. , which will give them more opportunities,” said Horta.

The participation of businessmen In this type of projects it is essential. Rubén David, CEO of Grupo Familia David, highlighted the importance of supporting these programs. “Companies must link and articulate with the university to improve and professionalize processes, create new products and services, and increase the quality of existing ones. This synergy is a virtuous circle where both parties benefit,” said David.

The program will be financed by the private sector. Photo: Freepik.

The event will also feature the presence of Paulo Falcón, renowned academic and rector of CAECE University, who will share his vast experience in university management and his vision on the role of higher education in social and economic development.

This meeting promises to be a milestone in the collaboration between the business and educational sectors in Mendozamarking the beginning of an ambitious project that seeks to transform the reality of many young people through education.

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