Federation: subdermal implants were placed and sexual health talks were given

Federation: subdermal implants were placed and sexual health talks were given
Federation: subdermal implants were placed and sexual health talks were given

Days ago, the person in charge of the Health Division of Women of Reproductive Age dependent on the Maternal and Child Youth Directorate, Carolina García, was in the city of Federación, where she participated in the placement of subdermal implants at the San José hospital and gave talks in three educational establishments in the town.

There, together with the health team of the Federal hospital, double-rod subdermal implants were placed in 15 users.

It should be remembered that subermal implants continuously release a hormone that inhibits ovulation, providing protection for between three and five years (depending on the device). In addition, they can be removed when the person requires it.

Regarding the talks, the topics addressed were reproductive and non-reproductive sexual rights, contraceptive methods, gender and violence; and 30 fourth-year students from School No. 57 Fray Luis Beltrán, 50 students from the Secondary School for Youth and Adults No. 3, and 60 third-year students from the Domingo Faustino Sarmiento Normal School participated.

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