CONIN categorically denied that Mendoza is going to receive half of the powdered milk from Nación

CONIN categorically denied that Mendoza is going to receive half of the powdered milk from Nación
CONIN categorically denied that Mendoza is going to receive half of the powdered milk from Nación

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The tweet of television host Pablo Duggan.

To these data is added what They will receive the CONIN provincial dining rooms. They will be 56 thousand kilos for the model center located on Lisandro Moyano and Dorrego streets in The Heras, nearly 2,000 kilos for San Rafael (they are not included in the alleged agreement that circulates through the networks); and 520 kilos for one of the spaces in Luján de Cuyo.

“We do not know when the shipments would arrive in Mendoza, but it may be in the next few hours,” began by answering ONE Diego Alvarez Rivero, the executive director of CONIN. Yes, we have the information that everything from Old Tafi. That is, in Tucumán the unloading of food has already been completed,” he said.


How much goes to each province

The agreement has the signatures of the most appointed minister in recent days, Sandra Petovello, and the head of the foundation, Dr. Abel Albino, who founded that entity in Mendoza 30 years ago. The text provides that the 460 thousand kilos of powdered milk are distributed in 13 governorates and that Mendoza is one of the beneficiaries, but not the most. Always following unofficial lists still, but that have emerged since Monday night and that in the same provincial government they managed for a few hours now.

In addition to Mendoza, there appears Entre Ríos, governed by the PRO man Rogelio Frigreriowho would stay with 92,500 kilos of powdered milk according to these spreadsheets that were distributed. In third place is Chacoled politically by the radical Leandro Zdero, which would be 39,100 kilograms.

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Dr. Abel Albino and Sandra Petovello.

The rest is distributed among ten more provinces: Córdoba, Santa Fe, Corrientes, Tierra del Fuego, Salta, San Juan, La Pampa and Santiago del Estero. The people of Cordoba would receive 30 thousand kilos, but the rest will receive less than 10 thousand and in the case of people from San Juan, Pampas and Santiago, it will only be an amount that ranges between 590 and 800 kg. There are eleven jurisdictions that will have nothing, less according to these initial numbers.

“We do not choose the distribution centers. They are the spaces that we have sponsored every day, for 30 years. It is enough for everyone we have and for the picnic areas and dining rooms surrounding those centers. Obviously there are areas outside.”had said Diego Alvarez Rivero this Tuesday morning.

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What was the criterion for defining the distribution of milk to the provinces?

In total they are 460 thousand kilos of milk, that would serve to prepare 4 million liters. These rations are intended, in theory, for dining rooms and picnic areas sponsored by CONIN and 22 distribution centers, of the 100 that the entity would have, which are distributed in the provinces.

He Ministry of Defense is taking charge of helping logistically to the operation, which began early this Tuesday. He said Alvarez Riverothe distribution task would start in AMBA and different sectors of the Province of Buenos Aires, starting in the towns of Hurlingham, José C. Paz, Merlo y Tigre, among other. In addition to Tucumán, which has already completed its delivery.

About 16,000 rations are distributed by the provincial State in canteens and the Educational Service of Social Origin (SEOS), and 170,000 for breakfasts, lunches and snacks for schoolchildren.

The dining rooms, for months now, have been in the eye of the storm. Now those who are sponsored by CONIN would receive.

The trucks left from the two collection centers that have been mentioned endlessly these days: Tafí Viejo in Tucumán and Villa Martelli in Buenos Aires. They were the deposits that the complainants of Minister Sandra Petovello They pointed out as the places where 5 million kilos of food for vulnerable people were about to expire. Regarding this amount, the Executive came out to reply that “more than 60% was yerba mate and of poor quality.”

CONIN was born in Mendoza 30 years ago and works in 18 provinces. “I don’t know why the Government chose us and we don’t like to speak well of ourselves, but we have complete and developed knowledge over the years about poverty, malnutrition and its consequences in childhood,” Álvarez Rivero said in a TV interview early this Tuesday. .

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More complaints in Human Capital

Upon departure (and accusation against him) of the former Secretary of Children, Adolescents and Family, Pablo De La Torre, to the ministry that leads Sandra Petovello, other judicial movements occurred, which the Executive itself denounced. According to the testimony of an employee, There were irregularities in the hiring of personnel for the secretariat managed by the “gone” official.

These are personnel who were signed through an agreement with the Organization of Inter-American States. The suspicion is that the money from their salaries, which was paid through that entity, was diverted to a box with unclear destinations.


Petovello. His ministry pointed out irregularities that could have been committed by second and third lines.

The internal complaint was signed by Federico Fernández, who worked in the general directorate of Children and Family and was being investigated by 18 “loose paper” contracts, although there could be others with the same characteristics, as is being reported informally at this time. The Ministry presented its reports to the Anti-Corruption Office to determine if there was a crime.

Likewise, the Organization of Ibero-American States confirmed that it actually has agreements with the Ministry of Human Capital and the Secretariat for Children for the provision of temporary personnel services and the food acquisition aimed at improving the nutritional quality of vulnerable families.

The cover of the case is, for now, “crime investigation”. The file fell to the judge Ariel Lijo, who was nominated by President Javier Milei as minister of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation and is waiting for the approval of the Senate to know if it will be able to land there.

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