Ticket increase: companies and the union ask for $1,400 but Passerini would take it to $940

Ticket increase: companies and the union ask for $1,400 but Passerini would take it to $940
Ticket increase: companies and the union ask for $1,400 but Passerini would take it to $940

The increase in the ticket urban passenger transport in Córdoba could suffer a new rise during the month of June. The rate would be between $900 and $950, despite the fact that the companies’ cost analyzes place it at a much higher value. The decision has already been made by the mayor of Rosario as well as other localities.

This Tuesday, the mayor of Córdoba Daniel Passerini met with his counterparts from the interior with legislators in the National Congress. They promote a modification in a law so that resources are distributed to the interior transportation system. The initiative includes taking 14% of the fuel tax and then distributing it in a more equitable way for the entire country but directed to the demand of users.

The mayor of the capital indicated that “this bill is” so that 14% of everything collected goes to the interior and is used to purchase buses and pay the compensation that is generated with the increase in fuel and parity”.

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“The real value of the ticket is $1,400,” said the president. “We are suffering from a decision by the national government that uses populism with the resources of all Argentines.””, he concluded by pointing out the inequalities that Javier Milei’s government is deepening.

The ticket is over $900

Both the unions and the businessmen who are linked to the service analyze and keep numbers almost weekly on how inflation and parity rates impact.

According to the legal representative of UTAestimates that this month of June “with the departure of The new units to provide service will match the numbers with Rosario and Santa Fe in the order of $900″, although he recognizes that, as unions, “the numbers give me $1,300 without subsidies.”

The dynamic this year in the country, unlike what happens in the AMBA region, is thate “transportation will continue to be handled with a rateunlike Buenos Aires and in the city it will continue to increase,” Enrique Dibo said.

This difference has been seen for a long time. Here we don’t have a subway or trains, people need the bus and suffer from the current cost of the ticket. But if you give it frequency, new units that do not break down, that arrive at your work, the number of ticket cuts will increase again. The interurban system will work jointly with the local one.

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For the business sector everything is a consequence of inflation. “Today, cost studies show a kilometer value of 1,300 pesos and that takes the rate to exceed $1,400., Unfortunately. Today cities like Rosario or Paraná are talking about a ticket close to a thousand pesos,” explained Gustavo Mira from Coniferal.

According to the FETAP director “The municipality of Córdoba is making a significant effort to keep the value at 700 pesos. But surely there should be an update in a short time. All municipalities work in tandem, the service suffered a great impact with the departure of one of the companies. The mayor subordinated the increase to improving the service.”

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