Third Provincial Conference of the Hotel and Tourism Workers Union is held

The analysis of five years of work focused the debates of the Third Provincial Conference of the National Union of Hotel and Tourism Workers (SNTHT) in Artemisa.

Based at the “Las Yagrumas” hotel in San Antonio de los Baños, the conclave was attended by party and union leaders at the national, provincial and municipal levels, as well as representatives of the province’s tourist facilities.

Representatives of the province’s tourist facilities participate in the Provincial Conference Photo JART

The balance report was critically discussed and there was a commitment to work immediately to eradicate the aspects that prevent better performance in the work of this sector, also a victim of the current situation in the country.

Effective work in union sections is one of the priorities to achieve the affiliation of all workers, an aspect that has decreased from one year to the next. Facilities such as Las Terrazas and Campismo, told their experiences in this regard, especially the Self-Employed Sector, economic actors closely linked to tourism.

Despite the difficulties, the commitment is to increase the quality and efficiency of services Photo JART

Low salaries, a recurring theme that causes the exodus towards other better-paid jobs, was one of the topics most discussed by the participants.

Despite the approval of Decree 87/2023, a mechanism that gives managers the power to establish in a decentralized manner the organization of the workers’ salary system to seek an increase in efficiency and production levels, problems of interpretation, use and control persist. in the application of profit distribution regulations, a difficulty that has resulted in workers with higher salary scales benefiting more, which does not always correspond to the greater contribution.

The rescue of the Las Yagrumas hotel facilities was also discussed at the meeting Photo JART

To the rescue of the facilities and the creation of new services, with the promotion of nature tourism, called Silvio Quijano, delegate of the Ministry of Tourism in Artemisa, he stressed the importance of providing personalized treatment to clients, as a guarantee of showing the visitors, the best of our country. He praised the work with young people and called for preparing and encouraging them to remain in tourism.

In this regard, Julio Enrique Morales Verea, general secretary of the National Union of Hotel and Tourism Workers (SNTHT), called for preparation regarding the Chinese and Russian languages ​​with a view to emerging markets that increase their presence on our island.

At another point, the election of the members of the Provincial Bureau and the delegates to the Third National Conference was held to be held on November 1 and 2 of this year.

Comrade Idalmis Delgado Fernández, at the head of this union in Artemisa, was ratified in the position and elected as members: Nixio Argüelles Cantero, Yosvany Calero Mesa, Lismary Coto Barrionuevo, Marlene López Valdés, Quirenia Reinoso Capote and Dania Romero Rojas.

By vote, these colleagues will also participate in the national conference.

The summary words were given by Kelsey Ortega, member of the PCC Provincial Bureau in Artemisa.

Idalmis Delgado Fernández, was ratified as head of the Hotel and Tourism Union in Artemisa Photo JART
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