Protection of the Cuban State to children and adolescents – Radio Rebelde

Protection of the Cuban State to children and adolescents – Radio Rebelde
Protection of the Cuban State to children and adolescents – Radio Rebelde


Comprehensive care for girls, boys and adolescents in Cuba is a high priority. Exposing them to situations that turn them into victims implies serious consequences for those responsible and triggers institutional action in which multiple entities in society participate.

This Wednesday, the program Hacemos Cuba on Hazando Radio discussed the role played by the Ministry of the Interior and the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic.

The guests of this space were Colonel Luciana Calixto Prieto; Second Head of the Directorate of Care for Minors of the MININT, Lieutenant Colonel Noemí Morales Guirola; Head of the Center for the Protection of Girls, Boys and Adolescents of the MININT in Havana and prosecutor Yurién Castillo Hernández; Head of Department of the Family Protection and Jurisdictional Affairs Directorate of the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic.

The dialogue between journalist Humberto López and his companions provided listeners with information about some attitudes that are punishable by law with respect to children and adolescents. One of these is work at an early age, which is synonymous with child abuse.

In the broadcast it was clarified that the Cuban state understands infants and adolescents as people under 16 years of age. This means that any criminal act before this age entails specialized treatment by the authorities.

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