One more season of Sport Fishing closed in Río Negro and Neuquén

The 2023-2024 fishing season in Patagonia Argentina ended last Friday, May 31and both the Directorate of Continental Sport Fishing of Río Negro, dependent on the Ministry of Economic and Productive Development, as well as the Rural Police of Río Negro and the Directorate of Wildlife of Neuquén, carried out an assessment of what was a joint work where They joined forces to carry out intensive controls in the aquatic environments shared by both provinces.

The general coordination was in charge of the Neuquén wildlife guard corps and the Management of the Alto Valle Fishing Board. Inspections were carried out simultaneously in various bodies of water, including the Pichi Picún Leufu Reservoir, Piedra del Águila Reservoir and different areas of the Limay River. (Zone 1, Zone 2 and Zone 3). For these operations, three mobile phones, a boat and eleven wildlife guards from Neuquén, a mobile phone and two fish guards from Río Negro and a mobile phone and two agents from the Río Negro Rural Police from the department of El Cuy were used.

As they point out, The operations were carried out completely normally and, fortunately, few infringement reports were filed, all of a slight nature and without sacrifice of trout specimens, despite the large number of fishermen present in the different fishing places.

Notably, With the closure of the season, only some specific areas of artificial lake character remain enabled. for fishing activity, while most aquatic environments begin their closed season. They recommend verifying the authorization of fishing places before planning any activity, and it is important to visit the Fishing Regulations for more information.

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