CNE denies challenges against three magistrates and continues with the investigation against President Gustavo Petro

The Plenary Chamber of the National Electoral Council, CNE, made the decision this Wednesday to deny the challenges presented against the judges Fabiola Márquez, Álvaro Hernán Prada and Olga Lucía Velásquez in charge of the processes being carried out against the president’s electoral campaign in 2022.

President Gustavo Petro will continue to be investigated for irregularities in his campaign. | Photo: guillermo torres-week

The presentation indicated that for the first presidential round of Gustavo Petro, the electoral limits were exceeded by $3,709 million, while for the second round at least $1,646 million were not reported, which would lead to a grand total of $5,355 million, according to what is known. indicates in the presentation.

Among the accounts is the contribution of 500 million pesos made at the time by the Colombian Federation of Workers, Fecode; an alleged loan that entered the campaign from the Polo Democrático party, also for $500 million, as well as the $931 million with which the management of electoral witnesses was paid and another $356 million that was money from electoral propaganda.

The other more complex investigations with political repercussions will be entrusted to the magistrates who were confirmed in their positions. | Photo: Photo Presidency and photo WEEK

It should be noted that the CNE’s resolution to retain the magistrates in the case of the President is important in that it helps guarantee the continuity and consistency of the investigative process. This measure also serves to reinforce the independence of said electoral body and due process.

Fecode is in the eye of the hurricane for the contribution of 500 million pesos to Gustavo Petro's presidential campaign.
Fecode is in the eye of the hurricane for the contribution of 500 million pesos to Gustavo Petro’s presidential campaign. | Photo: WEEK

The Commission of Accusations will carry out a detailed review of the documents and evidence presented by the Commission of Accusations. This analysis will be essential to determine the procedures that must be carried out later in the investigations against the first President.

The conclusions of the National Electoral Council could have significant implications for the current Government and for the political scene in the country.

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