A “mole”, Terminator and the cultural battle: Milei and his plan to destroy the State “from within” | Definitions in an interview with The Free Press

A “mole”, Terminator and the cultural battle: Milei and his plan to destroy the State “from within” | Definitions in an interview with The Free Press
A “mole”, Terminator and the cultural battle: Milei and his plan to destroy the State “from within” | Definitions in an interview with The Free Press

President Javier Milei was compared again with Terminatorthe film character starring Arnold Schwarzenegger who travels from the future to alter the present through murder and destruction, in an interview with the American media company The Free Press in which he claimed to come from an “apocalyptic future” to avoid the existence of socialism.

The world does not need to suffer such a debacle to escape the ideas of socialism. I come from an apocalyptic future to avoid it. Something like the Terminator story. Well, in fact Schwarzenegger is a libertarian“said the far-right in the interview published this Thursday.

In February, after the failure of the Omnibus Law, the president had already compared himself to the dystopian character in James Cameron’s film, by publishing a photo made with artificial intelligence that showed him as the Terminator along with the intimidating phrase “Chaste the view, baby”.

“A strange and idiosyncratic creature”

When presenting the interview that was published this Thursday, the American media defined Milei as a “strange and idiosyncratic creature.”

“There are obvious things: he says he doesn’t comb his hair (and it seems like he doesn’t). He has four cloned mastiffs whom he refers to as his ‘four-legged children’, and who are named after his favorite free-market economists. He was raised Catholic, but studies the Torah (he even cited a Midrash during our conversation)”, the media noted as some of the characteristics that make the Argentine president a “strange” character.

Furthermore, he continued The Free Press“I used to play in a Rolling Stones cover band. And it’s been known since elementary school in the 80s as El Loco, due to his outburstswhich would later lead him to stardom as a television, radio and social media celebrity.”

“But that’s all superficial. What really makes Milei unusual is that she’s the kind of animal that can ruin any party.“, warned the American media. And he exemplified: “In a world of liberals and conservatives, he does not represent either side. He is ultraliberal in economics, but right-wing and populist in rhetoric. He is against abortion, but is in favor of the legalization of prostitution. He wants to deregulate the arms market and legalize the organ trade“.

At the same time, the media indicated, “he calls himself an anarcho-capitalist, which basically means that he believes that the State is ‘a violent organization that lives off a coercive source, which is taxes.'” That is to say, “He is a head of state who doesn’t really believe in states“, the journalist was surprised.

“The West is in danger”

In the interview with The Free Press, Milei once again repeated his diatribe towards socialism. “Socialism has won the cultural battle. Wrongly, we liberals or libertarians believed that with the fall of the wall (…) socialism was literally dead. However, he regrouped in the Forum of San Pablo, transferred the class struggle that Marxism originally proposed to the rest of the aspects of society and with a Gramsci-like strategy he got into positions of the State, in education, in the media and in culture. And in that way they fought the cultural battle and won it. Not because they were better than the ideas of freedom, but because of the very fact that we libertarians have not put up a fight“explained the president.

Today, the far-right continued, “the left is so fundamentalist that in my country and in other countries, left-wing people still with Jewish origins are on the side of the terrorists and even condemn the Israeli government itself for making use of its legitimate defense. And that is a consequence of the fact that we libertarians have not fought the cultural battle.. That’s why I said in Davos ‘The West is in danger’“added Milei, who introduced herself to the interviewer as someone who is coming to fight that battle.

In that sense, He assured that in Argentina a change of era is taking place “from the fact that people interpreted and assimilated that all the shortcuts of populism and socialism do not work”, which generates optimism for the future of the rest of the countries. “While we are making the largest fiscal adjustment in the history of humanity (…), every time I go to an event with my Minister of Economy he is applauded. And if we look at my image it is taller than when I took over, despite making this adjustment. What’s more, discharge approval has also improved. And not only that: If we went to an election today, we would be able to get 60% of the votes,” stated the far-right, without mentioning the constant criticism that his management receives from another large part of Argentine society.

“I don’t have to deal with emotions”

In another section of the interview, the journalist from The Free Press He asked him about what the Argentine people felt about the impossibility of buying food due to the uncontrolled increase in prices in recent months. The far-right’s response left her convinced: “I don’t have to deal with emotions. I talk about numbers and reality, not emotions“, replied the president.

Then he tried a strange explanation, using a luxury item as an example, when the journalist was asking about a basic right, food: “Let’s say a person has a Lamborghini, then what are the emotions of someone who has a Lamborghini? I don’t know.” I know, because probably If you are in a very poor place you may feel very good about your Lamborghini, but if you live in a place where everyone has 15 Lamborghinis you feel miserable. “So I can’t deal with emotions, I can only deal with reality.”

The interviewer, surprised, told him that she was talking about people who cannot pay for food, beyond the “sophisticated economic explanations” of the far-right.

When questioned, Milei told him that “you cannot fall into the fallacy of paradise.” And she developed: “Today there are 15% of the population that is indigent, unable to satisfy basic needs. If we had continued with what was being done, today there would be 60% of homeless people. You cannot fall into the paradise fallacy. If you’re going to compare me to paradise, life is always horrible. Now, if we compare with the alternative scenario, 60% of homeless people would have been a true catastrophe worse than what we have now,” said the president, who said that today “food inflation is well below the evolution of salaries. , with which in terms of food, salaries are rising a lot.

“I love being the mole within the State”

Then, he pointed out against those who point him out for criticizing the State as he is, precisely, the head of the Argentine State. “The system is changed from the inside, not from the outside. “No politician is going to change a system that benefits him in favor of the people because he has the power to do so,” she said.

And he gave a soccer game as an example. “In Argentina, soccer is the most popular sport. When you go to a soccer stadium it is a beautiful spectacle, a lot of people in the stands, very colorful, but If you put the ball in the middle of the field, no matter how much people shout and wave their flags, the ball does not move.“, he stated.

And followed: “If you want to win the game you need players. In the Argentine national team, the goals are scored by Messi, that is, you need someone to score the goals. So That idea that you can change something from the stands is stupid.. And much more if you think you can do it from the living room of your house.” So, “the only way to change this is to get into the system and dispute power, because otherwise you are not going to change it,” he insisted.

In that sense, He said that he is proud to be “the mole within the Argentine State”. “I am the one who destroys the State from within. It’s like being infiltrated into the enemy ranks. The reform of the State has to be done by someone who hates the State. And I hate it so much that “I am willing to endure all types of lies, slander and insults both about myself and my most loved ones, who are my sister, my dogs and my parents, in order to destroy the State.”

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