Public services in Cauca are drowning us

The situation in the department of Cauca is unsustainable. The abuses of private companies in charge of public services have reached a critical point. The community can no longer tolerate this exploitation, which translates into a huge economic drain on the region.

The Case of the Western Energy Company (CEO)

The Western Energy Company, responsible for the distribution of electrical energy, is a blatant example of this abuse. According to the social and political leader Francisco Salamanca, this company generates annual profits of close to 40,000 million pesos. These profits, obtained thanks to the effort and work of the Caucano people, represent a mockery for those who fight every day for a decent livelihood.

The Urbaser Garbage Collection Company

On the other hand, the company Urbaser, in charge of garbage collection, collects 20,000 million pesos annually, and is known for having one of the highest rates for providing this service. The exorbitant costs to citizens are unacceptable and represent an additional financial burden that many families cannot bear.

Alkanes and Excessive Rate Increases

The company Alcanos, in charge of home gas service, has been another focus of indignation. In 2024, their rates increased by 100%. A bill that used to be $70,000 a month now amounts to $140,000. This disproportionate increase makes gas service unaffordable for many low- and middle-income families.

Photomultas: Another Blow to Citizens’ Pockets

Although not an essential service, photo fines also represent a significant problem. According to sources from the current mayor of Popayán, who promised to recover public services for citizens, photo fines generate profits of 10,000 million pesos annually, money that also goes outside of Popayán. This situation adds additional weight to the local economy, already affected by abusive rates for other services.

We demand Justice and Transparency

It is imperative that immediate measures be taken to regulate and control these private companies that operate in the department of Cauca. Citizens cannot continue to be exploited in this way. We demand justice, transparency and fair rates that do not turn public services into an unattainable luxury.

Enough Now!

The Caucasian community is on the limit. It is time for the authorities to take action and protect citizens from these abuses. Public services are a right, not a privilege, and must be accessible to all. We urge the political leaders of Cauca to speak out or, otherwise, demonstrate if they have interests in these private companies. The only one who has shown solidarity with the Cauca population is the Senator of the Historical Pact, Ferney Silva, who through a video expressed his concern and concrete action to address the problem of public services in the department of Cauca.

Senator Ferney Silva has been an example of leadership and solidarity, working alongside the management staff of the Superintendence of Public Services to address complaints and seek concrete solutions. However, after listening to Dr. Omar from the Superintendency, one perceives a fearful tone to stop the abuses of these companies, which since their arrival in Cauca have done nothing but squeeze people’s pockets.

It is imperative that President Gustavo Petro and Vice President Francia Márquez take action on this situation. Much more so now that, in his last visit to Popayán, President Petro recognized that, after two years, they have not fulfilled the promises of justice and social equity with which they were elected. It would be a message of hope for Colombians if the first president of Colombia who is NOT at the service of the rich and powerful of the country returns the profits of public services to the people.

SOS: Public Services in Cauca Are Choking Us!

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