The trial for the occupation of the Argentina pavilion in the educational rebellion of 2018 is closed

After more than 5 years of fighting for the acquittal of the 27 students of the National University of Córdoba (Unc), who were put on trial for the (in)justice of occupying the Argentina Pavilion within the framework of the educational rebellion of 2018, With mobilizations, concentrations and dissemination campaigns at the national and international level, Judge Pablo Montesi and a prosecutor granted the request of the defense of a large group of students for criminal extinction by prescription. The criminal law states that one cannot remain in court for a period of more than two years. In the same way, this limitation period is suspended or interrupted for various reasons. This was the reason why there are still four students who remain on trial.

This closure of the case is a triumph of the mobilization that time and again postponed the trial, keeping the issue latent until it brought it to this situation. This ruling comes to light at a time when there is a new attack on national universities by the government of Javier Milei, which the rectors replicate in each university, so this news is an incentive for the fight to increase the budget and teaching and non-teaching salaries.

Likewise, the dismissal demonstrates the inconsistency of the trial since it was an act of political persecution against those who, asserting university autonomy, developed a rebellion in defense of public education. It is a mechanism of criminalization of protest that is on the rise and today has Javier Milei and Patricia Bullrich at the head of an advanced persecution throughout the country.

Not only is the figure of usurpation used, but the provincial governments have advanced accusations of obstruction of public services and resistance to authority just for participating in a mobilization. A few days ago, illegal raids took place at the headquarters of the Partido Obrero and the piquetero movement that is at the forefront of the fight against hunger is accused of inappropriate things. Therefore, this victory is an incentive for the entire population that is organizing to confront Milei’s chainsaw plan and his accomplices.

This Thursday the 6th, an inter-faculty assembly will be held in the Argentina Pavilion where we will debate this path and how we face in unity with the workers the plan of adjustment and repression of Milei and his political (including Llaryora) and judicial accomplices. Meanwhile, after the historic mobilization of April 23, the union and union leaders are preparing to follow the same path of dismantling the action of workers and students with isolated actions or without mobilization, just as they did in 2018. More that we should never rely on inter-claister and inter-faculty assemblies to advance our claims.

The student movement must be at the forefront of the continuity of the university strike to demand budget, infrastructure, rations in cafeterias, scholarships, teaching and non-teaching salaries and in defense of public education. No to the criminalization of protest. Acquittal now of the students who remain on trial.

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