Itatí Cantoral presents “Testosterone” – El Sol de San Luis

Itatí Cantoral presents “Testosterone” – El Sol de San Luis
Itatí Cantoral presents “Testosterone” – El Sol de San Luis

He Peace Theater is ready to receive this weekend one of the most anticipated works such as Testosteronethis Sunday, June 9 at 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m., which features the participation of Itatí Cantoral and Álvaro Guerreroin a staging that touches on the issue of how difficult the struggle of women is against the power of men in labor matters.

The person who spoke about it was Itatí Cantoral who touched on the theme of this work, in addition to taking advantage and talking about the strength that women have today and how easily the public will identify with the characters.

Testosterone, it is a work that writes Sabina Bermanwhich has been released in 30 countries, “the text is so important and so current, it is contemporary theater where all people identify with these two characters because they talk about the equal opportunities at work between men and women and equal pay, this is an issue that the world has to continue talking about and putting on the table so that there is more equity; all within a very Mexican comedy.”

You are guaranteed that the audience present will understand this comedy that contains a black mood “Any professional or non-professional identifies with the characters and at some point has happened to them or been in similar situations that they will see in the work, the character of Álvaro Guerrero is not the antagonist of the woman but the other way around, He is the feminist teacher who supports this woman and also educates her to take powerso that the new generations are in power.”

The work gains more strength after the last elections where our country will have its first female president, which Cantoral described as “a historic moment that we have a female president in our country, I am sure that women presidential candidates have many stories to tell that are different from male candidates.It’s not that we suffer more or not, but we are in a man’s world, especially in politics, as well as the media.

Working alongside Álvaro Guerrero has been one of the best experiences for the actress because “all the characters suit him well, when I went to school they let us see him, it was my dream to work with him and this has already been achieved, I I arrived very nervous because he is very talented, I thought he was going to be a difficult teacher, but no, on the contrary, He is an incredible human being, with a lot of patience, who has taken me by the hand and we have done a great staging.”

Exactly one year ago, Cantoral was in Potosí lands recording the biographical film of Potosí Lupe Velez“I was in San Luis Potosí living the life of the first Mexican to arrive in Hollywood consecrated as an international star, where the great Lupe Vélez is always highlighted in her history, who is more recognized in the United States than here in Mexico, work that is soon to be released and we hope it turns out wonderful” he concluded.

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