Pullaro inaugurated Agroactiva accompanied by Frigerio and Llaryora

Pullaro inaugurated Agroactiva accompanied by Frigerio and Llaryora
Pullaro inaugurated Agroactiva accompanied by Frigerio and Llaryora

“Argentina will move forward if we improve our productive sector,” emphasized the Governor of Santa Fe at the opening of the agricultural mega-exhibition. He was accompanied by the leaders of Entre Ríos, Rogelio Frigerio; and from Córdoba, Martín Llaryora.

This Thursday, Governor Maximiliano Pullaro led the opening ceremony of a new edition of Agroactiva, the most popular open-air agricultural exhibition in Argentina and the region that runs until June 8 in the city of Amstrong. The Santa Fe president was accompanied by the governors of Entre Ríos, Rogelio Frigerio; and from Córdoba, Martín Llaryora. At noon, the three leaders of the Central Region received President Javier Milei as he arrived at the event site.

At the opening ceremony were, in addition to the provincial leaders, the Secretary of Bioeconomy of the Nation, Fernando Vilella; the president of Agroactiva, Rosana Nardi; and the mayor of the host town, Guillermo Luzzi. Also the vice governor of Santa Fe, Gisela Scaglia; the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Clara García; the provincial deputies, José Corral and Silvana Di Stéfano; and the entire cabinet of the Government of Santa Fe.

“Welcome to the invincible province of Santa Fe, welcome to the Central Region, to the productive heart of the Argentine Republic, of Latin America,” emphasized Pullaro when addressing those present and then assured that “it is very important that the National Government is present and that they can see what the field is, what the industry is and what we represent.” Along these lines, the Governor of Santa Fe remarked: “We are this, we are the field, the industry, productive innovation and the universities. We are the ones who are going to move Argentina forward.” In this regard, he stressed that “for the country to improve, the productive system has to improve.” Finally, Pullaro thanked “the exhibitors, the organizers, the mayors.” “, to the technical schools of the province of Santa Fe that today have brought all their students to see, so that they can be excited about our full potential.”

“The field wants to grow”

When taking the floor, Vilella noted that “it is a true pleasure and an honor to be able to be here in the heart of the American pampa, which sustained, sustains and will sustain a good part of Argentina’s economy. The three governors of the Central provinces are present, a region that with its productive potential will boost this sector that has been dormant and, thus, will generate conditions to get out of the crisis that we have been going through for a long time.”

Addressing those present, Llaryora expressed that Agroactiva confirms that “the countryside in its greatest expression is production, innovation, technology and it is what we are going to live from now on, the countryside always gives added value to our country.” . It is the production of the Central Region that will generate the dollars needed to activate the economy.”

Online, Frigerio emphasized that “this is the most important agricultural exhibition in the country and is from the Central Region. I thank Maxi for his generosity in the invitation and for giving me the possibility of having this space as well. Never as a Region have we been so together, defending what needs to be defended. It is important that we strengthen the countryside because, as in every crisis, it is what is going to get us out of the crisis the country is in.”

For his part, Nardi expressed his “pride and happiness for the 30th anniversary of Agroactiva, an exhibition in which the field is open like nowhere else so that they can get to know it, so that they can get to know its hard-working, creative, professional, productive people. ; field open to proposals, to opportunities for public-private interaction, open to the world, to business.”

Finally, the vice governor of Santa Fe, Gisela Scaglia indicated: “we want to show Argentina what the Central Region does, what it produces and what it can do. We will accompany the national government, if we lower taxes and if we have a lot of productive development, because what the countryside wants is to grow, to move forward; “The industry needs policies to accompany it and this is an area with a huge industrial heart.”

It is worth remembering that yesterday, Pullaro led the opening of the institutional stand of the Province of Santa Fe at Agroactiva, an occasion in which he also presented the Santa Fe Activa Financing Program, aimed at the countryside, industry, commerce, tourism, science and innovation; which seeks to facilitate access to credit through alliances with financial entities operating in the region.


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