The Peronism of Río Negro warned about the “devastating effect” of the National Government in the province

The Justicialism Supporter Council of Río Negro met this Friday in Cervantes where, among other issues, it rejected “flatly and absolutely the policies carried out by Javier Milei’s government” and that -they indicated- “They are having a devastating effect in the province of Rio Negro and in every town in our province.”

During the meeting that was led by Sergio Hernández, José Luis Berros was elected vice president and Claudia Montanaro was elected treasurer. and the other members of the body; In addition, “administrative formalities required by electoral justice” were complied with.

National deputy Martín Soria, president of the Justicialist Congress body, also participated. “within the framework of the new stage of organization and unity of Peronism” As indicated and “in line with the new organization and party management”, a training and training plan was announced in the localities of the province, “the will to go to the meeting and convene different spaces and sectors to articulate actions and listen to all”.

The participants agreed “unanimously” to join forces and “work in the unity of all institutional, political and sectoral expressions that in Río Negro reject the policies of the government of Javier Milei and his allies.”

The party leadership table rejected the draft Base Law, in full discussion in the National Senate and “adhered to the position of the two senators, Silvina Larraburu and Martín Doñate, and the national deputy, Martín Soria” that they established positions “opposing a law that does not have a single article that does not harm the people of Rio Negro.”

The Justicialist Party demonstrated “in defense of Río Negro”

«Defending the Homeland and truly defending Río Negro is “reject and denounce this unconstitutional and destructive law for federalism” they maintained from the party council.

«The Justicialist Party of Río Negro will never guarantee that the women of our province lose the right to a retirement, that increases taxes on the poor and the middle class and lowers them on the rich, that executes inhuman and unpayable rates.

They added that the current National Government also “promotes the privatization of strategic companies in Argentina with regressive and illegal labor reformsthe destruction of SMEs and national industry, the delivery of our natural resources to foreign hands, the paralysis of public works, the closure of national organizations and companies such as Correo Argentina, Pami, Anses, Radio Nacional, among others”.

They were critical of the position of Juntos Somos Río Negro and stressed that “Nor are we going to endorse or hand over the future of the people of Rio Negro in exchange for any type of exchange, nor will we bring the province to its knees in the face of extortion by a deranged government.” that suspended the sending of the teaching fund (FONID)” as well as “the sending of resources to make public transportation rates payable, that eliminated the funds that correspond by law to the province, that makes cruelty a method of misgovernance and leaves the food of the most vulnerable families to rot with unspeakable negotiations.

«Delegate extraordinary powers and superpowers to Javier Milei and his sister “It is an absolute irresponsibility that paves the way for the national dissolution and territorial disintegration of Argentina.” they warned.

They asked that “Together We Are Río Negro and the provincial government must reject the Bases Law. There is nothing to exchange in the face of this national government that is coming to bring the people of Rio Negro to their knees..

The meeting in Cervantes, a sign of closeness between the sectors that were divided for the 2023 provincial elections. Photo: Andrés Maripe.
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