The Ministry of Education commemorated Student’s Day in the city’s educational institutions

The Ministry of Education commemorated Student’s Day in the city’s educational institutions
The Ministry of Education commemorated Student’s Day in the city’s educational institutions

With artistic activities, the importance of students in the official educational establishments of Cali was recognized.

  • Currently, in Santiago de Cali, in the official sector, we have an average of 153,400 enrolled children and adolescents.
  • This commemoration is framed in student protests, assemblies at universities and cultural events in honor of the struggle of Colombian youth that began on March 13, 1909.

Santiago de Cali, June 8, 2024

In the midst of artistic and environmental events, the District Education Secretariat, in coordination with the IPC and the DAGMA, held the day of commemoration of student day at the IEO Celmira Bueno in Orejuela, where activities were developed in conjunction with the educational community , students, families and teachers who participated in a great day.

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On this important date we commemorate the new generations, the boys, girls, adolescents and young people of our official and private educational institutions, who are the engine that mobilizes the Ministry of Education and those who are characterized every day by their great abilities. of innovation, mentioned the Secretary of Education, Tatiana Aguilar Rodríguez. “There is no more important actor for the transformation and recovery of our city than boys, girls, adolescents and young people. Today, in the commemoration of Student Day, we want to celebrate and value all the students of the city from the Ministry of Education. “You are the ones for whom we are working hard to generate opportunities and transformation in your lives, you are the ones who are going to lead our city and who will allow us to reconcile as a society.”

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The institutional framework seeks to generate spaces where not only educational quality stands out, but also where students, in an articulated way with their environment, stand out for their qualities and where these are enhanced by their teachers. “In this month of June we commemorate the students and the message I give you is that you students are the reason for being of every educational organization, because if you are well and if we have you as students with good values ​​and excellent orientation, we can have good human beings,” said rector Herminia Amú Molina, of the Celmira Bueno Educational Institution in Orejuela.

Diana Carolina Delgado Erazo
Communications Secretary of Education

Number of visits to this page 20

Publication date 06/07/2024

Last modified 06/07/2024


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