In the midst of the electricity crisis, China donates three photovoltaic parks to Cuba

In the midst of the electricity crisis, China donates three photovoltaic parks to Cuba
In the midst of the electricity crisis, China donates three photovoltaic parks to Cuba

The Chinese Agency for International Cooperation and Development The delivery of three photovoltaic parks to Cuba was made official this Fridaywhich are already synchronized to the National Electric System (SEN) and generate 12 MW of energy, reported official journalist Bernardo Espinosa on his Facebook profile.

The delivery ceremony took place in “La Criolla”, Santo Domingo, in the province of Villa Clara. It was attended by the nonagenarian Cuban Vice Prime Minister Ramiro Valdés Menéndez and the Chinese ambassador to the Island, Ma Hui. The others photovoltaic parks They were installed in Morón (Ciego de Ávila) and Miramar (Holguín).

The official digital media Cubadebate indicated that “this milestone marks the beginning of an investment offensive aimed at adding 1,000 MW to the Cuban energy matrixwhile seeking to reduce fuel consumption in electricity generation.” This while the country is experiencing the collapse of the SEN and blackouts have become a daily occurrence.

The Chinese cooperation in Cuba has increased in recent years, the Asian country being a lifeline to which the Havana regime turns again and again. “Cuba is willing to work with China to build a Cuba-China community with a shared future, give top priority to the joint construction of the Belt and Road and safeguard the sovereignty and independence of developing countries, as well as the cause of socialism. “said the Island’s Foreign Minister, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, during a visit this week to Beijing.

Produce the 29% of the country’s electricity through renewable energy sources It is the new plan that, before 2030, the Cuban Government intends to execute. To do this, they turn to two foreign financing sources that have demonstrated their interest in supporting the regime in this purpose: China and the European Union.

In this sense, in April of this year, the director of Renewable Energy Sources of the Ministry of Energy and Mines, Rosell Guerra, met in Belgium with authorities of the European bloc to encourage “Cuba’s access to financing mechanisms in this area.” Shortly before, in March, the EU had committed to “support the energy transition in Cuba through renewable energies.”

The Union embassy reported that there is a project underway that aims provide energy to 8,500 Cuban homes, generate savings of 84 million euros, replace 168,000 tons of fuel and avoid the emission of 721,000 tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Without an efficient and stable energy matrix, no economy in this world can prosper.. In the impoverished state of the national electricity system, it is an impossible mission for the economy to move forward. Currently less than 50% of the total energy generation capacity based on oil and distributed generation is operational,” wrote economist Emilio Morales in a recent article published in DIARIO DE CUBA.

Regarding renewable energies, he argued: “These investments require million-dollar financing to which the country does not have access because it is a poor payer and has a large external debt that it is not capable of paying.. In any case, if an investor willing to invest on the Island in renewable energy projects appeared, it would be a failure, since there is no way to recover the capital invested, the population has no income to be able to pay the electricity bill that an investment like that generates. . “The country hardly exports and the little income they have is invested in purchasing food and, absurdly, in construction projects for new hotels.”

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