Xara Nicolle, the student departmental queen 2024 • La Nación

Xara Nicolle Marroquín from the Vicentino Santa Catalina Labouré school in Neiva, Ana María Prada Cardoso from Campestre Padre Arturo and Isabell Sofía Vargas from San Juan Bosco in Palermo, are respectively the queen, vicereine and princess of the 30th Intercollegiate Festival of Sanjuanero Huilense.



The coquetry and excellent interpretation of the eight steps of the Sanjuanero Huilense dance, by Miss Xara Nicolle Marroquín, from the municipality of Neiva, representing the Vicentino Santa Catalina Labouré school, managed to take the 2024 crown during the previous night.

In the Jorge Villamil Cordovez Music Park, in Neiva, 13 candidates for the 30th Intercollegiate Festival of Sanjuanero Huilense competed on the dance floor and after the election and coronation evening, two young ladies were also chosen as vicereine and princess.

The new vicereine is Ana María Prada Cardoso del Campestre Padre Arturo.

Meanwhile, Isabell Sofía Vargas from San Juan Bosco in Palermo is the new student departmental princess.

As prizes, partial scholarships were awarded to study at the Corhuila University, and the queen also took home a television.

María Paz Collazos, from Misael Pastrana Borrero of Teruel, presented the crown after the performance of Sanjuanero. The young woman thanked all of her people, her colleagues, her family and she remembered a friend of hers who now takes care of her from heaven. “I will continue working for Huilense folklore wherever I am,” she stated.


The Sanjuanero choreography is made up of eight steps: invitation, retreat, figure eights, elbows, wing drag, chase, kneeling and final exit.

For the juries, the seven candidates who best danced this dance and therefore deserved to form the group of semifinalists were: Dana Michelle Ramírez Calderón, from the Normal Higher Educational Institution of Neiva. Zaira Valentina Valencia Rodríguez, from the Higher Normal Educational Institution in Pitalito. Ana María Prada Cardoso from the Padre Arturo Country Institution. Isabell Sofía Vargas from the San Juan Bosco Educational Institution in Palermo. Laura Sofía Arrieta from the San Miguel Arcángel school. María Alejandra Acevedo from the Yes Institute. And Xara Nicolle Marroquín from the Vicentino Santa Catalina Labouré school in Neiva.

Aspects such as popularity, troupe, beauty, costume, interview and dance (50%) were evaluated.

The qualifying jury was made up of five people; Gloria Gómez Liévano, Daniel Salas, Oscar Eduardo Chávarro, Carlos Andrés Oyola and César Augusto Oviedo.

The representative to the Chamber for Huila, Luz Pastrana, gave recognition to this event, where the youngest people are protagonists.

Local cultural groups were also entertaining the evening, which started after six in the afternoon and ended after nine at night.

The unpunctuality and poor disposal of the garbage were the ‘moles’ of the day.

Today the new 2024 national student queen will be crowned.

Xara Nicolle Marroquín from the Vicentino Santa Catalina Labouré school in Neiva, queen of the 30th Sanjuanero Huilense Intercollegiate Festival. Photos: Carlos Urrea.
Xara Nicolle, the student departmental queen 2024 June 8, 2024Xara Nicolle, the student departmental queen 2024 June 8, 2024
Princess Isabell Sofía Vargas of San Juan Bosco in Palermo, Queen Xara Nicolle Marroquín of the Vicentino Santa Catalina Labouré school in Neiva, and Vicereine Ana María Prada Cardoso of Campestre Padre Arturo.
Xara Nicolle, the student departmental queen 2024 June 9, 2024Xara Nicolle, the student departmental queen 2024 June 9, 2024
A large audience in the Music Park was supporting the candidates.
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